The Student Room Group

dog died boyfriend doesnt care

My dog of 13years died today and im deverstated! i called my boyfriend (of 3 years) to let him know, i was crying on the phone, and i thought he would have asked if i wanted him to come up, but he didnt, its really upset me! ive had a bad week, i crashed my car at the start (write my car off and the ladys who i went into to) and have now got to find another car even thou i have no money. then this happended with my dog and its my birthday tomorrow. the one person i thought would comfort me doesnt seem bothered, im so angry. am i being stupid?

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Reply 1
no not at all. how did he react? is there any reason for him not to be sympathetic? :s
Reply 2
Maybe he doesn't like dogs?
Lol to be honest i hate cats and if a cat died
I wouldn't care.
Reply 3
Did he say he didn't want to come up, or couldn't come up, and did he have a reason? He could have a genuine reason Or perhaps he doesn't share the same passion towards your dog as you do, and doesn't realise the magnitude of it? Wait until you aren't so angry at him and ask him why?
Maybe he doesn't like dogs?
Lol to be honest i hate cats and if a cat died
I wouldn't care.

And the prize for 'completely missed the point' goes to...

OP, is it possible that your boyfriend might think you want to be on your own as you're so upset? Did you ask to see him?
Reply 5
Well, I doubt I'd think my girlfriend needed me to come up if her pet died. I imagine your boyfriend has never felt that attached to an animal and so doesn't really know how you're feeling. I don't think it's because he doesn't care about you
Reply 6
My dog of 13years died today and im deverstated! i called my boyfriend (of 3 years) to let him know, i was crying on the phone, and i thought he would have asked if i wanted him to come up, but he didnt, its really upset me! ive had a bad week, i crashed my car at the start (write my car off and the ladys who i went into to) and have now got to find another car even thou i have no money. then this happended with my dog and its my birthday tomorrow. the one person i thought would comfort me doesnt seem bothered, im so angry. am i being stupid?

Hang on a moment.

So... you phoned your boyfriend, assumed he was going to ask you if he could come over to your place, and when he didn't you assume that he "doesn't care."

If you want to see him why not:

a. Go to his, or;
b. ask him to come over?

I suspect it's not that he "doesn't care" and more that he isn't a proficient enough mind-reader to assume that you desperately need him to drop everything and come over and comfort you and share stories about Rufus's long and wonderful life.
Reply 8
And the prize for 'completely missed the point' goes to...

OP, is it possible that your boyfriend might think you want to be on your own as you're so upset? Did you ask to see him?

Lol why should he pretend to care if he doesn't have an emotional attachement to animals, better than him pretending he does?
Reply 9
Lol why should he pretend to care if he doesn't have an emotional attachement to animals, better than him pretending he does?

He should care that his girlfriend's upset numbnuts.
Reply 10
Could be because he honestly diddnt know what to say, ir perphaps hes running crisis control as well and is - well overwhelmed. Ask him if theres anything wrong?
Lol why should he pretend to care if he doesn't have an emotional attachement to animals, better than him pretending he does?

And again, the point goes flying off somewhere over your head :biggrin:

(see burningnun's reply)
Reply 12
Haha, threads like this make me think maybe being single isn't so bad after all. The girl crashes her car, her dog dies, it's her birthday tomorrow, and now some poor bastard is about to get used as a punching bag for all of this drama he didn't cause, and he doesn't even know it.

Seriously though, phone your bloody boyfriend and tell him you need him around today. Unless he actually said the words "Your dog died? Ha! I don't care! I always hated that dog, and in fact I hate you too!" , chances are he actually does care (about you, not the dog). You're not really angry with him anyway, it's just a grief coping thing.

It's your birthday tomorrow, and you have a mother****ing boyfriend. Life's not so bad. Sorry about your dog, though.
Reply 13
Haha, threads like this make me think maybe being single isn't so bad after all.
And posts like this make me think I'd better bloody well get used to it, too.
Reply 14
And again, the point goes flying off somewhere over your head :biggrin:

(see burningnun's reply)

Give the idiot a break, his brain cell is currently barly keeping him breathing:p:
Reply 15
I seriously doubt he doesn't care about you or your dog. Guys just aren't the intuitive masters of the mind that we're thought to be. Just tell him you're upset and ask if he could come by for a bit. I'm sure he'd be happy to.
Seems a bit bad he's least not given you a little support. Guess if it was a family member he may have been a little more supportive.
OP, it seems you forget that your better half also has a life and cannot drop everything at the drop of a hat to go rush off and console you because you are too upset to stomach a pet dying.

If you don't explicitly ask your boyfriend to come up, chances are he won't. You've cried your heart out to him over the phone, he's probably assuming that was it and that you'll be fine. Perhaps he thinks you have a spine. Perhaps he thinks it's a more private matter and you're best left alone for a while to grieve. Perhaps he thinks that a dog doesn't merit this kind of fuss. Oh, and did I mention that he probably has something to do too? I don't know your life or his, but he might have a job/school/university/other and can't just drop everything.
God, I was so worried I was gonna come in here and find "He did what? NO!! Dump him! Burn him! Rip out his eyeballs and feed them to the piranhas!". I'm with all the sensible people on this one. He can't possibly have known how much that dog meant to you, particularly if he's never felt emotional attachment towards an animal before.
Reply 19
My dog of 13years died today and im deverstated! i called my boyfriend (of 3 years) to let him know, i was crying on the phone, and i thought he would have asked if i wanted him to come up, but he didnt, its really upset me! ive had a bad week, i crashed my car at the start (write my car off and the ladys who i went into to) and have now got to find another car even thou i have no money. then this happended with my dog and its my birthday tomorrow. the one person i thought would comfort me doesnt seem bothered, im so angry. am i being stupid?

Awww, poor you. Happy birthday anyway, I hope that today is a better day xx