The Student Room Group

Sweat Problem

I'm a guy who enjoys going to parties and the dancing that goes with it, but sweat always seems to be a big problem. I have quite long hair (which I love except for this problem) but when I do anything more than sit talking to friends I sweat and it's really obvious with my fringe in the state it is after a few minutes. It's the kind of hair that curls when wet, making it even worse. It makes me feel really self conscious and usually I can't stop thinking about it and end up not having fun. Any advice?

Thanks for reading
Reply 1
hmm... would using gel or mousse be any help? so it would look wet anyway.. :s-smilie:
Reply 2
really would focus on it, youre being active and moving, you will sweat. put it out of your mind and unless anyones commenting they dont notice or care :smile:
Reply 3
that's the thing, until tonight I was making myself believe it was all in my head until a girl asked me "what happened to your hair?"

I'm not sure disguising it with hair products would work, my hair's pretty thick and it'd probably look even worse than the sweat on it's own :P
Reply 4
do you suffer from hyperhydrosis?
Reply 5
i'm not sure, i haven't looked much into it but if it refers to simply sweating too much, then yes i suppose I do. >.<
Reply 6
Do u sweat in the same way even during winter and even when there is a very a good airconditioner near u???

If yes, then u r most probably suffering from hyperhydrosis. - 16th post