The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
dont come to keele if you enjoy cooking with a working oven/grill, or like to watch anything broadcasted i.e. freeview, terrestrial and radio :smile:
the people are lovely, and the societies are really good
Reply 3
bad points:

Its bloody cold in winter and rains a lot

You are near Stoke

Keele bubble

Car parking...or lack of

Good points

It's amazing
It's amazing
It's amazing
It's amazing
It's amazing
Union (and gigs)
Friendly, green
Reply 4
dont come to keele if you enjoy cooking with a working oven/grill, or like to watch anything broadcasted i.e. freeview, terrestrial and radio :smile:

Objection on Radio. Theres a sodding great mast about 3 miles away with DAB and FM all over it. :biggrin: . I listen to my DAB all around campus and Stoke.

Good Points

What Graham said

Your out in the countryside

Green Space everywhere

Bad Points

The halls management people

Your out in the countryside (if thats not your thing)

Plus what Graham said. :p:
Reply 5
Tbf it's only cold if you're a southern fairy, i really haven't noticed much difference in temp from Brum + Keele.

Anyway good points:
The community spirit
Lecturers go out of their way to help you
Dual honours
Keele woods
Everythings on campus and within walking distance
Lots of societies
Tea + toast at the chapel after a heavy night out
Safety bus so no taxi charges if you live in hawthorns or off campus

Bad points:
Parking, or lack of
Having to queue at the post room and i always seem to pick times with huge queues
Keele bubble
Everyone seems to know everyone which can either be great or terrible
Generally lots of stokies don't know how to drive so it can be terrifying driving around or gettin the bus anywhere
Reply 6
I would call squirrels a good point, they frighten the life out of me the scheming, double crossing buggers. One of them swindled an acorn out of me..and OMG i just looked out the window and saw a man in full lycra running past, not good.

He should be on the sex offenders register eh Minardi!?
im sure they will do an open day before august i went to the february/march one last year, maybe they just haven't updated the website yet
Reply 8
seriously though, by "cooking facilities" they mean a hob and a microwave only.
Reply 9
seriously though, by "cooking facilities" they mean a hob and a microwave only.

That's only in Holly Cross though, if you were in any other accom you'd get microwaves, oven, hobs + grills. Plus you could always buy a george foreman or something if you're that bothered. Also i'm presuming you went to see holly cross at an open day if u knew u wanted ensuite accom so would have seen the kitchen before anyway...
Reply 10
And as i said, go to Tesco and buy a new microwave , or better COMPLAIN if it matters that much to you! Keele have a requirement to give you facilities to cook, if they are not, then complain. You need to go to the Darwin Builiding, opposite the Union.
Reply 11
That's only in Holly Cross though, if you were in any other accom you'd get microwaves, oven, hobs + grills. Plus you could always buy a george foreman or something if you're that bothered. Also i'm presuming you went to see holly cross at an open day if u knew u wanted ensuite accom so would have seen the kitchen before anyway...

im in lindsay court. and the grill and oven just dont work. why would i want to buy a new microwave, microwaved food is aweful and bad for you.

i will ask that halls women on monday when shes in. dont want to start a row just a bit pissed off that you pay nearly £90 a week and have to put food in the oven for literally twice as long. i bet most of the cleaners dont pay that much for a 3 bedroomed house and wouldnt put up with those combi things. rant over.
Reply 12
George Foreman - Godly :biggrin:
Reply 13
George Foreman - Godly :biggrin:

got one, and its quite a big one. however most things dont have a time and temp for using a foreman grill! :rolleyes:
Reply 14
Then just live on burgers or steak, and micro chips.

Tsk... the freshers of today... :p:
Reply 15
got one, and its quite a big one. however most things dont have a time and temp for using a foreman grill! :rolleyes:

Cant u just guestimate? Cant say i ever look on the back of packets to see how long they take. Things generally take a few mins less than normally so just keep an eye on it, not exactly hard :rolleyes:
Reply 16
I have to empathise how great the countryside is :biggrin:. Somtimes I'll be walking somewhere on the outskirts, like up by the clockhouse and I'll be amazed at jsut how beautiful the place is :smile:. Horwood Hall FTW, best halls of residence In Keele, there's nothing wrong with it... except the bloody small bar, and even that's got atmophere.

Agree with the Keele bubble opinions, it can be good and bad... But there will always be people you haven't met too.
Reply 17
What the hell is the "Keele bubble"?
Reply 18
What you get stuck in on campus :biggrin:
Reply 19
You mean the lack of willingness to go off-campus? If so, I completely agree!