The Student Room Group

Broken tail light


I've got a Corsa C and it's got a broken tail light. Still mostly covered, but its cracked and bits of it are a little loose. The light still functions fine.

Few questions:
- How do you repair it? Is it costly?
- Is it an issue if I leave it in its current state for a week or so?
- Is it an issue driving in rain?

1 - You can buy a new cover and put it on - will be fairly simple probably. You can buy it new onlien or go to a scrapyard and take it off a similar car

- maybe - maybe not - you might get stopepd by the coppers

- not sure, depends how bg the hole is and whether it will get onto/into the electrical connector.

Tape it all up with some clear sellotape for the time being.
Reply 2
Clubber Lang
1 - You can buy a new cover and put it on - will be fairly simple probably. You can buy it new onlien or go to a scrapyard and take it off a similar car

- maybe - maybe not - you might get stopepd by the coppers

- not sure, depends how bg the hole is and whether it will get onto/into the electrical connector.

Tape it all up with some clear sellotape for the time being.

Clear duck tape! Duck tape is the answer for the time being! :biggrin::biggrin:
Reply 3
The cluser on the Corsa C should be easy enough to get off and chepa enough. You should be able to get one for around £50 at the scrappy.
Reply 4
The lenses shouldnt be that much... Please for the love of god dont, but you can get aftermarket ones from Halfords for much less. Standard ones shouldnt be a problem.
Reply 5
£50?! What's it made of? Solid gold?:biggrin:

Hopefully he can get it cheaper than that if it's only the cover that's broken. I got an entire replacement rear light cluster for my car (wiring, bulbs and all) for under £10. So, if it's only the cover he needs it should hopefully be less than £10. As AT says, scrappy or eBay is your friend on this one.
there are also shops that sell scrap parts direct to the customer
Reply 7
But the Corsa C has only be around for 6 years so not so many will be scrappys, the ones that are may well have had the light clusters damaged due to an accident anyway. Theya re surprisingly pricey, I know the Ka's cost around £30 on the scrappy.
Reply 8
heres an offside light - you didnt state if it was o/s or n/s that is knacked.
£10 atm with a day and a half to go.
Reply 9
Thanks a lot everyone.

Got it fixed already haha. Saw my mate who's doing an apprenticeship at a garage... took it there and his guy did it... for free, they had the part lying around. Looks good, works great. Convenient as hell.

Cheers everyone, thought it woulda been a much bigger job than that.

I've got a Corsa C and it's got a broken tail light. Still mostly covered, but its cracked and bits of it are a little loose. The light still functions fine.

Few questions:
- How do you repair it?

you buy a new one, grope around behind the trim in the boot a bit to unfasten the old one and swap them over , you will need basic tools like a screwdriver , spanner/ socket of the appropriate size

if you aren't used to doing simple repairs a haynes manual and/or a mate who does know aobut such things is a useful accessory

Is it costly?

not if you go to a good indepedent spares specialists and especially not if they have a nice second hand one in

it will be expenseive if you buy the part from a franchsied dealer or the likes of Hellfrauds

- Is it an issue if I leave it in its current state for a week or so?

IAmNotABlackRat and without seeing it i can't comment

- Is it an issue driving in rain?


depends where the breaks in the plastic are
Reply 11
Someone as just broke my light cover on back of car how much will it cost to replace it
Try eBay you should get a cheap one from there!
But the Corsa C has only be around for 6 years so not so many will be scrappys, the ones that are may well have had the light clusters damaged due to an accident anyway. Theya re surprisingly pricey, I know the Ka's cost around £30 on the scrappy.

Think that's the Corsa E you're thinking of, Corsa C has been about near 15 years.
Reply 14
Original post by StriderHort
Think that's the Corsa E you're thinking of, Corsa C has been about near 15 years.

This thread is from 2007.. 11 years ago..
Ah...that would make sense :P