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EEE interview questions

I have an interview at imperial for EEE on wednesday...quite worried actually. My main issue is that (being perfectly honest), other than A-Level Physics, I actually don't really know anything about electronics and stuff (that's not to say i'm not interested/enthusiastic). My maths/mechanics/physics etc. is all good (hopefully) but will they be asking me electronics based questions or what?

basically, any kind of advice on how to prepare would be much appreciated :smile:
Reply 1
The technical questions really depend on who's interviewing you. They know that people's knowledge of electronics is going to vary a lot and so I don't think they'd ask anything that you couldn't answer on it. From what I remember, most people were asked various questions about the areas of maths that they were studying. I was asked to talk generally about decision maths, which was horribly open-ended but wasn't too bad in the end.

Keep in mind that they're not trying to see whether you can do various bits of algebra and remember physics equations - that's what the exams are for. Rather than a formal assessment, they're just trying to see how you approach the problems that they give you and how you can explain what you're doing. If you can't do the problem it's not the end of the world as long as you can try to tackle it intelligently.

In any case, I wouldn't be too worried. The technical part is only half of it, and the interviews are not a proper academic assessment, rather just a way to make sure you're suited for the course - which, if you're enthusiastic about it, shouldn't be a problem.

Good luck!
Reply 2
i see i see, thanks for that. one other question though, were there any "general" questions and if so, what were they like? oh and also - you mention about having to remember physics equations - they have said to bring a maths folder or physics folder or something, but as I am planning on taking my current maths work, does this mean I will be unlikely to get any physics-based questions (other than maybe the mechanics we do in maths)?

On another note (considering your profile says 2007 entry), how is imperial and EEE (from an insiders point of view lol)?
Reply 3
There were a few general questions - he asked me why I chose EEE and what I thought about coming to London to study, things like that. He also asked about what I thought of my courses. I brought along some physics coursework for him to look at; we spent a few minutes going over it and he asked a few questions about it but he seemed more interested in talking about maths. What you're asked will probably depend on who you get (I was lucky enough to get Haigh, who is probably the nicest guy in the department), but just make sure you know your maths and physics and you should be OK.

As for the course, it's interesting but is a lot of work. Some days are 9am-6pm which is a bit of a pain, but Wednesdays are totally free for me :biggrin:. We have a fairly big design report to do before January and an exam next week (which doesn't technically count for anything but is still a pain).

Imperial as a whole is very nice too, the facilities are all top-notch and (most) of the accommodation is excellent too. If you are assigned halls fairly far away then the commute can be a pain but you quickly get used to it.
Reply 4
dont do EEE at imperial, its like giving up life :smile:

Reply 5
dont do EEE at imperial, its like giving up life :smile:


I second that.

Apparently word around Imperial is that EEE is much more work than any other course. I can understand that, given how much work we have been given!

The department is good though. The lecturers are good, except for one i dislike.
Reply 6
got an offer today, AAA though!

need A in maths (got), A in physics (should be fine) and A in chem/further maths (could be tricky)
Reply 7
Every department says they got the most work jacob2. Well at least my one, biomedeng, and some others.
Reply 8
Congratulations on your offer. As far as I know, AAA is pretty much the standard offer for EEE, though I know 2 or 3 people who were given AAB for some reason.

Who did you get for your interview in the end?
Reply 9
thanks. i had it with Dr. Lucyszyn but it was pretty dodgy, because for some reason he interviewed 3 of us at once lol! which meant I didn't really get a chance to uh "show off" but of course there was much less pressure which was good. however, I got next to no technical questions, he just asked about my PS and "why imperial" before moving on to the next guy and basically asking the same thing (and then the guy after that...).
Reply 10
thanks. i had it with Dr. Lucyszyn but it was pretty dodgy, because for some reason he interviewed 3 of us at once lol! which meant I didn't really get a chance to uh "show off" but of course there was much less pressure which was good. however, I got next to no technical questions, he just asked about my PS and "why imperial" before moving on to the next guy and basically asking the same thing (and then the guy after that...).

How did you know how to pronounce "Dr. Lucyszyn"? You would'n't wanna anger your interviewer now would ya?:p:
Thank you so much! Your reply really chills me.