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Reply 1
not tryign to panic you but if its stuck than call 999 and ask for an ambulance. I wouldn't risk it just stuck there.
how did you manage that? was it like stuck to the food? o.o oh god.
It's not poisonous, though it's not good for you. Try eating dry bread.
Reply 3
how big roughly was the piece?

you could try drinking water to flush it down? :dontknow:
Reply 4
i would drink and swallow hard like do big big gulps kind of thing, then eat something heavy bread liek that person said, if it hasnt gone by tmrw go to docss ye
In China when you swallow a fish bone they make you swallow a ball of sticky rice to force it down. You could try that.
My friend got a dorito stuck in her throat and we made her try to swallow loads of dry bread to push it down, but all the bread was just getting stuck as well, because the dorito was in the way. I think water and BIG gulping motions is your best bet.

Also... just how..? :p:
are you sure it hasn't got down. Sometimes when I swallow tablets without enough water it feels like it's stuck because it went down awkwardly...?
Reply 8
sorry i cant help but laugh, not everyday somebody ends up swallowing alumunium foil.

I remember reading somewhere Alumunium is linked to alzhiemers but there isn't any substantial evidence so dont panic!

eat something heavy like bread or balls of rice and drink water with BIG BIG gulps.

I dont think this warrants a call to 999 though, but if its still stuck get yourself down to A&E first thing tomorrow!
Reply 9
I once got a chicken bone stuck in the side of my throat :s-smilie::s-smilie::s it was terrible. I had to get some tweezers to get it out cos no amount of swallowing or anything would get rid of it :s-smilie::s-smilie::s-smilie: glad that horrific chapter is over.
Reply 10
I once got a chicken bone stuck in the side of my throat :s-smilie::s-smilie::s it was terrible. I had to get some tweezers to get it out cos no amount of swallowing or anything would get rid of it :s-smilie::s-smilie::s-smilie: glad that horrific chapter is over.

wtf?! how far down your throat was this chicken bone :s
Reply 11
If you swallow razor blades, or shards of glass, or a pair of scissors, it will cut the offending tinfoil up, and you should feel nothing.

perhaps call 999 prior to you attempting this

Your typing, so I assume you can breathe. Hence do one of the NHS direct, who will probably direct you to an A&E.

Or you can do it yourself, get down to A&E (car, taxi, bus etc.) who will probably sort it out for you.

Disclaimer: This is not to be interpreted as medical advice. If you are concerned about your health, contact a qualified health care professional as soon as possible.
Reply 13

I remember reading somewhere Alumunium is linked to alzhiemers

LOL, Wow! Nice! I bet he'll be ****ting himself! lol
Reply 14
Call 999 for a bit of foil in someone's throat? If he can type on a computer he can walk/drive/find a way to A n E or call the out of hours doctors or call NHS. Ambulances are for serious emergencys only but the out of hours doctors go to all sorts (I think they have them all over the country, they do where I live). There just aren't enough ambulances to call one out because you have a bit of foil in your throat unless you are going blue!
If swallowing doesn't work, try the inverse funtion where:
f(x)=swallowf(x) = swallow
f1(x)=vomitf^{-1}(x) = vomit
I think I've swallowed foil before, it's no big deal.

The number of times I've eaten a melted Kit Kat too quickly and then realised that I may have eaten some foil that was stuck to it...
Reply 17
wtf?! how far down your throat was this chicken bone :s

Far enough that I couldnt reach it with my finger without retching but not far enough that I couldnt get it out with those tweezers. Its hard to explain lol but you could see the bone sticking out when I opened my mouth really wide and tried to look down my throat to see what was so uncomfortable lol.
Far enough that I couldnt reach it with my finger without retching but not far enough that I couldnt get it out with those tweezers. Its hard to explain lol but you could see the bone sticking out when I opened my mouth really wide and tried to look down my throat to see what was so uncomfortable lol.

I've done that with a fishbone... it makes me rtch just thinking about it!
Reply 19
I would eat some dry bread. It's possible that you might have just scratched your throat when you swallowed the foil and so it feels as if the foil is still stuck there. Maybe you could have a throat sweet or a spoonful of clear honey to soothe your throat?

One of my friends once managed to swallow what she thought was a piece of bone, got it stuck in her throat and her parents took her to A&E. When she got there, they asked what she'd eaten and couldn't stop laughing when she said it was vegetarian pasta...