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I'm not amused this is the 5th time ever - and in a year! - that I've come down with it. I've been drinking water, more than normal, cos I'm pretty much dehydrated most of the time, but it's driving me nuts. Me and the bf are doing the long-distance thing so I see him for a weekend, come back and go on antibiotics for 2 weeks, have a pain free week, then go see him and it starts all over again. I'm sick and tired of being on antibiotics, peeing after sex doesn't work, it doesn't matter if we use condoms or not, I still get it and it's driving me spare. I'm having to miss lectures because I can't sit through them without needing to wee all the time. I'm now sat here feeling like I need to pee when I know damn well there's no more fluid left in me. I'm going to go to Tesco to stock up on things to make me better so any suggestions - that work!!!! - are much appreciated. Also does anyone know if Cranberry tablets affect the Pill? Please someone help me, I'm going mad!


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Reply 1
you should go to your doctor and ask them for advise. Some might give you a repeat prescription for anti biotics so you don't have to keep going back.
Cranberry isn't proven to help but some people do find it usful. Try cranberry juice instead of tablets if you're worried about your pill.

You could try using lube when you do see your partner as it can help stop any irritation. Don't use perfumed soaps etc.
Reply 2
The thing is I'm sick and tired of being on antibiotics, it's driving me mad. I'm also worried that it's going to start affecting my relationship because my boyfriend already feels guilty that I keep getting cystitis, and it's hardly the most romantic thing that on the one weekend a month I get to see him, I'm sat there drinking tons of water/fruit juice/tea and peeing all the time because I'm in so much discomfort. I'm just so fed up with this.
Reply 3
Some might give you a repeat prescription for anti biotics so you don't have to keep going back.

I doubt it.. they won't want to build up a resistance.

I'm surprised your doctor hasn't questioned it more, TBH.... it can be caused by bacteria or being too 'rough' so if it is the bacteria, ask yourself how you keep getting it!! I'm surprised they've not tested you to find out if it is bacteria causing it..

If you keep taking antibiotics too you end up killing good bacteria as well, leaving you more open to thrush etc.

Disclaimer: I'm not a medical student or anything like that :P
Cystitus is horrid! I get it on a friday night.... when I can't get to the doctors until the monday.... every time.... without fail. It might not just be caused by sex though.

I've heard of the merits of cranberry but i'm not to sure myself.

Changing sexual positions may reduce friction on your urethra and reduce your risk of recurrent UTI. Women who suffer from extremely frequent urinary tract infections may be prescribed an antibiotic to take immediately after sex to help prevent the likelihood of urinary tract infection occurrence.
Reply 5
Thanks everyone, I'm sat in floods of tears because I'm fed up with feeling like this. I hate the fact that I look forward to seeing my boyfriend, then when I leave I have to cope with the fact that it's another month and I'm going to get cystitis. I don't really want to go back to the doctors because I've been 6 times in the 8 weeks I've been at Uni and I feel like a fool. I just hate that I keep getting this. I'm trying to drink tons, but really don't want to go to the toilet cos it hurts so damn much.
Thanks everyone, I'm sat in floods of tears because I'm fed up with feeling like this. I hate the fact that I look forward to seeing my boyfriend, then when I leave I have to cope with the fact that it's another month and I'm going to get cystitis. I don't really want to go back to the doctors because I've been 6 times in the 8 weeks I've been at Uni and I feel like a fool. I just hate that I keep getting this. I'm trying to drink tons, but really don't want to go to the toilet cos it hurts so damn much.

See above quote - different positions to relieve stress on the urinary tract and if this doesn't work.... ask your doctor about the possibility of a pill to PREVENT cystitis you can take immediately after sex.
Reply 7
Go back to the doctors and tell them how you're feeling about it. They're the trained professionals and will figure out WHAT is causing it so you can prevent it!

There's nothing we can do to help you prevent it at the end of the day, you've obviously tried everything, save saying "don't have sex" :P

It won't change unless you change things. The bacteria that likely cause it live in the lower gastrointestinal tract. another link there.

Think about your behaviour, positions etc, as to what might help you, but I'd ask a doc personally :smile: you CAN'T go on like this forever
Reply 8
Cheers for everyone's help, I'm now drinking a hell of a lot of water today, gonna see if that helps clear it up, if not I'm off for a moan to the doctor tomorrow. Thanks guys, it's made me realise I shouldn't have to put up with it :smile:
Reply 9
The thing is I'm sick and tired of being on antibiotics, it's driving me mad. I'm also worried that it's going to start affecting my relationship because my boyfriend already feels guilty that I keep getting cystitis, and it's hardly the most romantic thing that on the one weekend a month I get to see him, I'm sat there drinking tons of water/fruit juice/tea and peeing all the time because I'm in so much discomfort. I'm just so fed up with this.

I know how you feel, I used to be exactly the same. In the end it just stopped happening though, so there's hope! You say you're drinking water, fruit juice and tea. I don't know what you mean by fruit juice but I found orange juice makes things a whole lot worse as it's acidic. Also, avoid drinking anything that has caffeine in it.

I would advise drinking lots of water as you are doing, and if you get fed up of that, lemon/orange barley water works well too. Someone else I know found drinking water with bicarbonate of soda dissolved into it effective, though that sounds a bit gross.
Reply 10
Do the cystitis relief powders work for you? You know you dissolve them in water?

I thought I was having constant bouts of cystitis but the doc now thinks (because antibiotics haven't worked) that I have an irritation of the urethra and I should be going to see a urologist.

You must go back to the docs and get a urine test. If it's positive and you've only recently had antibiotics to clear it then you should complain/

On my trimethoprim (antibacterial of choice) it says a dose of 100mg per day to be taken before bed can be prescribed as a preventative. This may not be the correct course of treatment for you but it is something you can mention to the doc :smile:
Hey, Im prone to get cystitus too, so I know how you feel. During year 13, I was plagued by it.

I found that cranberry juice was a god send. Takes a while to learn to like it though.

Tea, probably not the best thing, as it messes around with your antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and, can make your cystitus worse. I stayed far far away from tea when i was getting it lots. If its the relief of a warm drink, try a warm juice or something like that maybe.

I have somethign from the doctor that says
1) take a pint of water when you notice the onset of symptoms
2) every 20 minutes take at least another half a pint - I know that this is a lot - and it should releave the symptoms.
3) wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and place on the lower back or between the thighs to relieve pain
4) Take a teaspoon of Bicarbonate of sofa with half a pint of water every hour to make your urine less acidic and help to stop breeding bacteria.

This leaflet also says if you're prone to it to:

1) drink AT LEAST 3 pints of water a day
2) pass water whenever you need to, dont hold onto it
3) make sure you empty your bladder completely
4) always wipe from front to back, to avoid spreading bacteria from the anus to the genital area
5) avoid perfumed soaps/deodourants/talc in that area (I think its best to not use anything at all but water, though there are some special ones for that area, but they can alter your ph balance too.

If you get cystitus after sex (which you do) it may help to:

Wash and pass water BEFORE and AFTER sex and ask your partner to do the same (I know its not really romantic saying "can you wash first please" but it really could help, and you could possibly make it sexy? )

Use a lubricant during penetrative sex.

That's the NHS leaflet that I have. I know it sounds silly, but it could be anything to a little bit of dirt on his hands or anything. So maybe you could try and incorprotate the bathroom into your sex life?

Definitely go to the doctors, they dont always piece together that its your 6th time there for the same thing until you actually say to them, that youve been there loads before. There are things that can be done.

Hope this sorts out, I did for me, and touch wood Ive not had a serious attack in a few years now.
Reply 12
Heya hun, I know how you feel, its been a bad year for me in terms of this as well. Had it 10 times in the past year. Antiobiotics dont help, ive stoppped going to the doctor.
I went to Holland and Barrats because cranberry tablets work better than cranberry juice. The reason being it has a much higher concentration of cranberries than the juice. I take four a day and as long as you drinking alot of water it should help.
Ive also recently got a herbal remedy which is specific for urinary or bladder discomfort. Its called Potter's Antitis. I take two, 3 times a day after meals and has really helped, maybe even more than the cranberry pills. The only thing you have to do is increase your fluid intake whilst taking them. Both the pills ive mentioned will not intervere with the contraceptive pill. I hope this has been of some help.

On another note if you are having such a reccuring problem it might be of some help to have blood tests and an internal checkup to see if everything is ok. I had to do this and everything came up normal but its good in that it can rule out anything that could be causing you to have such problem other than a UTI.
arent you supposed to wipe front to back when you wee?
thats what a doctor told me i think if i remember rightly.

I just remember being told to constantly drink, keep going to the toilet and keep on drinking, preferably water or fruit juice!
Reply 14
Sainsburys sell cranberry tablets at a fraction of the price of Holland and Barratt!
Reply 15
When you have cystitis and you go to the doctors are you supposed to get a urine test done? The first two times I had it both the doctors took a urine sample but last time I didn't get asked for one which I thought was a bit odd.

Also I find those relief sachet things a load of rubbish - as soon as I finish the pack the pain always comes back.
yes, sorry, front to back, typing faster than i was thinking.
Reply 17

i've been in the same position - you need to drink loads of water and look at other things apart from sex that make it worse
the sachets are a god send
Reply 18
sachets are a lifesaver for me, i've been getting cystitis regularly since i was 4, and i'm 16 now. cranberry juice is gorgeous, tastes a bit cruddy but it does help. if you're really worried, go to your doctor & see if you have a Urinary Tract Infection, which are often ongoing, cause me & my sister get them as well (ha i spend half my life on the loo)
they can also do an ultrasound to check for scarred kidneys, both my sister & i have scars on our kidneys but not too badly, knowing that you have scars can make the doctor tailor your antibiotics to your needs. just would advise you to get it checked out incase.
oh & if you get trimethoprin (i think thats how it's written) you can often become immune to it, (that happened to me too lol) & there are other things you can get.
also there are wee-sticks which can help you see if you have cystitis or UTIs, i got them from my GP
errr hope this helps :smile:
i know how you feel, i suffer with it lots and have done for 8 years, with attacks going from like slight twinges every day to a 6 month period where i'm not entirely sure how i managed to live.

doctors said they can't do anything. so i just try drink lots of water, never any full sugar soft drinks, and abstain from all alcohol/non water drinks/sex/tight clothes when i do get it. and just accept it i suppose, even though it's life ruining.