I was wondering what the main differences are within the Tutorial system as compared to the Lecture system in the US. As far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong), the Tutorial system at Oxbridge revolves around homework (research papers, essays, etc), then coming in several times a week to present it and discuss it with your Law professor and a small handful of fellow students. You are then graded on the content of your work as well as how you present the material. Is this more or less the "system" of learning?
When I was at Uni here in the US, I had a split of lecture classes and group discussion courses. In lecture, I'd take notes and ask questions, do homework, etc., and then sit on an examination afterwards. In my group discussion courses, classes still had lecture-style lessons but were broken up intermittedly with group projects, research, and individual papers.
I am asking this because I want to know how to best be receptive to the type of environment going on at my upcoming Oxbridge interviews (I read somewhere that the interviews are also a test to see if you can learn well under their system and setting).
Anything you can share about the nature of the learning environment at Oxford and Cambridge would be useful, thanks!