The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I know there are a lot of notes on this on the wiki, because I just sorted them. have you tried looking there?
Reply 2
Just had a read but it doesnt explain really where it came from and how Hitler abused this to create his consolidation. Any ideas.... im doing an essay... To what extent was there a legal revolution between 1933 and 1934? i wanted to know what part the Article 48 comes in and if it is part of the enabling act or created seperatly any ideas....
Reply 3
Article 48 enabled the Chancellor to rule by decree without the consent of the Reichstag, so Hitler used Article 48 to establish a virtual dictatorship in 1933, the Enabling Act which came in March 5th 1933 needed a 2/3rds majority to be passed, when it was it gave Hitler dictatororial powers mostly legally which turned the Virtual Dictatorship into an Actual one which eventually firmly established itself when Hindenburg died
Reply 4
Article 48 (of the Weimar Constitution) governed the emergency powers (i.e. rule by decree) of the President (Ebert and Hindenburg, but exercised on behalf of Chancellors such as Bruning). The Enabling Act (a law, not part of the constitution) gave effectively the same powers to the Chancellor (by then, Hitler).
Reply 5
Thanks everyone! x
Reply 6
That was my understanding of Article 48. It was the particular power of the President rather than the Chancellor. One interesting point was that Hitler challenged Hindenberg for the presidency in... (was it the 1930 Presidential election?) and he would have had hold of Article 48 via that route, if he had won.
That was my understanding of Article 48. It was the particular power of the President rather than the Chancellor. One interesting point was that Hitler challenged Hindenberg for the presidency in... (was it the 1930 Presidential election?) and he would have had hold of Article 48 via that route, if he had won.

#samerevision9yearslater its 1932 :wink: