The Student Room Group
Reply 1
ermm it's a possible side effect of taking ibuprofen

lol bit of a surreal suggestion
Reply 2
Maybe your Factor VIII is lower than usual?

Are you male or female?
Reply 3
Female, otherwise I would be haemophiliac.

If it's any help, my right arm just started hurting well badly at the part the bruises are. Like a severe stabbing pain.
Reply 4
Do you monitor the levels of clotting factor in your blood? If not, maybe it's time to get it checked out?

The reason I asked about gender: some women bruise very easily during their period.

Female, otherwise I would be haemophiliac.

Since when can women not be haemophiliacs?
Reply 5
Do you monitor the levels of clotting factor in your blood? If not, maybe it's time to get it checked out?

The reason I asked about gender: some women bruise very easily during their period.

Since when can women not be haemophiliacs?

Since ever, because women have two X chromosones; it's carried on the X, they will still have one decent X one without it, so can still produce factor VIII. My levels are about 24% what they should be. Whereas a guy only has one X chromosone and so if it's got haemophilia on it he won't be able to produce factor VIII at all so levels will be 0% or like 1%.
Reply 6
Since ever, because women have two X chromosones; it's carried on the X, they will still have one decent X one without it, so can still produce factor VIII. My levels are about 24% what they should be. Whereas a guy only has one X chromosone and so if it's got haemophilia on it he won't be able to produce factor VIII at all so levels will be 0% or like 1%.

We were taught that they can be haemophiliacs, but it's extremely rare because they need to receive two faulty genes (one from each parent).
Reply 7
We were taught that they can be haemophiliacs, but it's extremely rare because they need to receive two faulty genes (one from each parent).

extremely rare because most guys with it don't have kids they generally die before then.

None of this is particularly helpful though seeing as I don't have haemophilia, I just have bruises and am wondering why the **** my right arm feels like it's being stabbed right now.
Reply 8
I did make a couple of suggestions above the haemophilia question...
Are you sure you're not just so smacked up you've forgotten about tightening the belt around your arm?

Can't think what else would cause it, tbh.