The Student Room Group

Fee Status Questionnaire

I'm filling the Edinburgh Fee Status Questionnaire. When they say "ordinary residence", they mean where you are normally resident, excluding if one of your parents has been working abroad. I am a permanent resident in Madrid, Spain. However, I have lived in Paris, Moscow, and Islamabad, all because of my father's diplomatic posts. When they ask me where I have lived (it doesn't specify "ordinary residence"), should I just put Madrid down, or all the other places as well?
I'd go with Madrid if thats where you have perminant residency, it'd makes things easier for getting your fees paid.
I can’t find the few status questionnaire. It tells me to go under “My tuition fee status’ and I don’t know if I’m missing anything but can’t find anything! Thank you
Original post by Salruffai
I can’t find the few status questionnaire. It tells me to go under “My tuition fee status’ and I don’t know if I’m missing anything but can’t find anything! Thank you

It should come from your unis as they decide whether you are home, EU or international.