Well im glad my waffle made sense to someone anyway, lol.
- Ive not met a girl with AS either, i beleave the bulk people who its affects are male.
- Tbh, i think the bulk of males are half way to having AS anyway, thats just males...
I think its great shona that you dont thing anything of your colloge for having AS, but at the same time, if you met a total randomer, and they shook hands with you at said "hi im dave, i have AS" - I cant help but feel that without meaning to, you would straight away start making comparisons with him and your colluge, or anyone else you know with AS?
- When i was choosing my 6th form the disabiltys office at the local 6thform center currently had one other person who was registered with them as having AS, but with very diffrent symtoms to myself.
- In the end i went to the local schools 6th form instead, simply becuase everything they where thinking stemed from this one other AS guy they had. Where as the local 6th form who had no AS pupils on record, where stating with a clean sheet. And where very go as well.
Also the OP sent me a PM saying a few things, and asking about my experinces with social interation at uni, and finding freinds/housemates etc.
- But i figure i might as well copy the bulk of my reply into this thread as anyone else might as well read it if they want
Thanks so much for your reply to my thread (I'm the anonymous guy ). It really gives me strength knowing others are going through it too!
I dont know what your like, but i would deffonatly say that my 'social interaction' is a little bit rough around the edges.
However, i got on fairly well with the people in my block within halls in the first year, and managed to find a few freinds within my coarse too. Or atleast, they found me, i managed not to totatly scare them off!
So yeah, there were the five of us, all engineers doing the same course, bar one who is a materals engineer. All blokes, bar one as well. And she is an odd one if ever there was. haha.
- I could have got a house with some of the people from my halls as well, but im glad i went with people from my course now becuase we just have more incommon really.
- I wouldnt be supprised if one of the guys in our house isnt a little asbergers himself when alls said and done. And he's certainly as dyslixic and clumsy as anyone i know.
This year im on placment as i might have mentioned, with jcb, in uttoxeter (an hour up the road from loughbrough where im at uni, and half way between uni and home)
- Convently they provide accomdation, shared with other people on the placment, so that was sorted.
- And then next year im going back with one of the guys from our house last year, and one or two other people from our 'extended' social group (theres about 8 of us in total, lol).
Before uni i hadnt really been out much, lived at home, in the middle of knowhere, and ourside of school didint really have any frends.
- But i'd been to a few 6th form soicals geting a lifton someone i knew a bit from outside of school (well, mainly his mum knew mine, but whatever)
- So i had atleast vaguly gone out and got drunk a few times with 'freinds'. So i sort of hit freashers week not as a totoal noob!
- You just have to give it what you've got, eat paracetamol like its penny sweets, and bully your way though the first month and hope you come out alive?
Sounds easy from here i guess, but i really didnt know what what to expect when i was in your shoes two years ago. haha.
Ive got to go again now because im at work, and its just ended!
- But ill try and post back in a bit, or else im usally on msn all night if you are...