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Reply 1
Not in sixth form anymore. but when i was we were allowed to wear 'smart/business dress' clothes of our choices.

boys had to wear shirt+tie+trousers
girls had A LOT more freedom - no bellys, shoulders or upper legs showing was the only rule. oh and no enforced clevage. all put slightly more eloquently though.
Reply 2
No uniform in sixth form. Wear whatever you want, as long as it's appropriate for school (i.e no slutty clothes, no rude slogans etc.) Just common sense stuff...

We're part of a consortium, though, and the other two schools have different policy...
the boys school is "smart", so all the guys have to wear suits, but the girls can get away with anything, really, as long as we don't turn up in jeans. We just go in suit trousers and a jumper.

The other school (another mixed) has a supposedly "smart" policy also, but it's not as enforced as at the boys school. The guys are supposed to be in shirt and tie, but it doesn't really happen, and the girls don't pay any attention to the uniform at all, and go in whatever, although jeans are generally avoided.
we have to wear suits and special ties, but we get to choose which shirts we wear, as long as they look decent lol
We can wear literally whatever we want Monday to Thursday and then on Friday we have "smart day" where we have to dress in office type clothing.

All in all the whole thing fails and is very pointless.

Still I'm not complaining about all the guys in suits :smile:
Unlucky, we have zero uniform. only very onffesive stuff is asked to be covered up. awesome.
Reply 6
We have uniform in 6th form and its really awful. It was changed this summer from being the same as the rest of the school to been different tto make 6th formers more distinctive .... and it is awful.

Red / Maroon Blazer
Yellow Shirt
Red / Gold Striped Tie
Grey Box Pleated Skirt
Red / maroon V-neck jumper with yellow around the nect and sleeves
Dark Grey / Black tights (stockings)

This has to be worn smartly with the tie done up, etc.

I really don't like it but I'm in U6th so only have to wear it for couple of terms.

Before it was changed it was okay - it was a blue blazer, white shirt, tie, grey pleated skirt......but they wanted 6th form to be more distinctive. In my year (the first upper 6th year to wear the new uniform) it is optional to have the new one as we only have a year to go...unless your are a deputy head or head girl or boy....I'm head girl so have to wear it....even when my friends still wear the old uniform colours...

I didn't mind having uniform when it wasnt so stupid fact I think in general uniform is a good idea even in 6th form...Its just gone a bit mad in our school....
No uniform in my school. Wear whatever, just no miniskirts, short shorts (even with leggins underneath), nothing offensive, no bare midriffs, all sensible stuff really. Apparently the inspectors said that the way the uniform (lower down the school, really) was "a safety hazard"...hmm, I wonder why...
Reply 8
yup, we can wear whatever we want as well. pretty much the same as purple-girl. but for some reason we also have the strange rule of "no bare shoulders" as in no strappy tops. not a clue why lol.
White shirt, the sixth form tie, black/grey trousers and shoes
Reply 10

Red / Maroon Blazer
Yellow Shirt
Red / Gold Striped Tie
Grey Box Pleated Skirt
Red / maroon V-neck jumper with yellow around the nect and sleeves
Dark Grey / Black tights (stockings)

This has to be worn smartly with the tie done up, etc.

oh my actual gosh. you poor, poor, people.
Burgundy sweater (with or without school badge)
White shirt (long sleeved is optional)
Black/Grey trousers
Black shoes (smart ones i.e. no black converses or black trainers...)
'Mandatory' Sixth form tie - burgundy with 2 sets of 2 diagonal sky blue lines, with a blue phoenix centered in them.

It's sort of the "grown up" version of the lower school - we have more emphasis on badges and red, and they have less on badges and more on blue.

There are a few 'rules' for the uniform, like "no hoodies" and "all coats must be either black or navy", or "top buttons must be done up, with the tie all the way up", but nobody really listens to those. The girls wear their ties as low as possible sometimes, with their shirts undone a few buttons to look "fashionable"...and even the Prefects and Head Prefects never totally abide by the rules.

("Top button..." is one of the rules I always don't listen to. It's pointless. So long as my tie is done up to the collar, I can have the collar done pretty loosely, and it still looks vaguely 'smart'.)

Red / Maroon Blazer
Yellow Shirt
Red / Gold Striped Tie
Grey Box Pleated Skirt
Red / maroon V-neck jumper with yellow around the nect and sleeves
Dark Grey / Black tights (stockings)

To be honest, now I think about it that sounds really similar to my primary school uniform! Except we didn't have ties, it was black skirts/trousers and no blazers. Well, there wer optional ones. And it was a polo shirt, not a real shirt.

I actually don't mind the uniform at my school, though as I said before I no longer have to wear it.
Navy jumper (v-neck), with school crest
Blue/white striped shirt, school's own style
Navy skirt
Navy/black tights/socks (mostly tights)
Black/navy shoes
optional blazer.

Next year the jumper will be optional and they're bringing in compulsary jackets. Not blazers. I think that's the only change being made...I'm not sure.
Reply 13
reading allthese posts made me think about what it would be like to have to wear a uniform again....
:s-smilie: it would be too wierd...
Reply 14
reading allthese posts made me think about what it would be like to have to wear a uniform again....
:s-smilie: it would be too wierd...

It didnt bother me until recently...I guess I have worn uniform since I was at primary didnt really bother me in L6th...but now in U6th and I'm 18 it feels weird having to wear it...sometime almost makes me self concious especially when I'm in town.
Reply 15
For me it was the same uniform as the rest of the school with a different tie.
Libertinus Septentrionalis
For me it was the same uniform as the rest of the school with a different tie.

Me too.

White shirt, Black trousers, Red tie for us, green tie for rest of the school.
No uniform, we can wear what we want. Except not flip flops really, but thats more health and safety I think.
Reply 18

*Black bottoms, not short skirts, not cropped trousers, not shorts, no skinny leg trousers, no jeans
*White top that's not too low, not too strapey
*Black jumper that shows your white top around the neck
* 'No excessive jewerally' and 'no obvious make-up' and 'no wide belts.' And some others I can't remember.


*Black suit
*White shirt
*Mandatory tie with parts of the school badge on in, that's toned to navy rather than bright blue.

For the others years we had to wear grey bottoms (compulsary pleated skirt from school shop!), white shirt, bright blue blazor, stripey blue tie.

It's quite nice we're allowed to wear what we want, just as long as it's smart and black. It's a bit like a compromise between unifrom and non-uniform.

I like the idea of making everyone dress smart for just one day of the week though!
"Smart office wear" or rather no denim, short skirts/shorts, sleeveless tops, backless footwear or "extremes of youth culture". Our dress code even goes into detail regarding ear piercings, with only one stud per ear.
Our school is particularly pedantic regarding uniform, and are thinking about banning any hooded jackets. Coats are an issue too. We're unable to wear them inside the building, along with the new idea of teachers being told they should stop pupils if they even see a coat being carried around.