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Best way to revise history?

Im actually gonna revise this time round for my History AS resits in january. Last time round i just read the notes we were given in class 2 days before the exam and came out with a C. This time i want to revise 7 weeks in advance and get an A.

Im doing the OCR history AS course which consists of source questions, 1 english essay question and 1 USA civil rights question. Ive compiled notes using the syllabus for each unit so i have the content handy as well as having a list of essay titles from 2001-2007 for english and civil rights papers.

Whats the best way to revise for each of these modules. I was told by people that:

For sources: Learn the technique for answering such questions and revise the content.

English and Civil Rights: Learn the technique and make/do essay plans for all the titles for each paper.

Im confused. Please help. I dont wanna get another C :frown:

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Reply 1
Im actually gonna revise this time round for my History AS resits in january. Last time round i just read the notes we were given in class 2 days before the exam and came out with a C. This time i want to revise 7 weeks in advance and get an A.

Im doing the OCR history AS course which consists of source questions, 1 english essay question and 1 USA civil rights question. Ive compiled notes using the syllabus for each unit so i have the content handy as well as having a list of essay titles from 2001-2007 for english and civil rights papers.

Whats the best way to revise for each of these modules. I was told by people that:

For sources: Learn the technique for answering such questions and revise the content.

English and Civil Rights: Learn the technique and make/do essay plans for all the titles for each paper.

Im confused. Please help. I dont wanna get another C :frown:

Mods can u delete this thread i posted in the wrong section
Reply 2
Not been deleted it. But I got a C too, so I'm retaking the British paper as it was my lowest mark. I want an A/B to put my AS up to a B. I'm generally doing past papers, and making spider diagrams and writing out notes. I got a new text book for it which is quite good.

Whats the name of the module?
i just re write my notes, into even shorter notes, erm make little profiles on imporant people doing european history 1460-1600's and i make like a mini profile on luther and erasmus etc. Also timelines help alot
learn the exam technique. sometimes it can be very unintuitive - just stupid to be honest - as was the case with one of my modules last year.

make sure you know everything inside out. but do not neglect exam practise. it may be painful, but if you get used to pushing out the answers under timed conditions your mark will certainly improve.
Do loads and loads of practise questions (deathly boring, I know, but it helps)..write your notes out. If you're a visual learner (like me) it can help to write dates etc on posters and stick them on your walls. I remember for GCSE I had huge diagrmas of the League of Nations plastered over my walls. I usually stick up timelines for AS/A2.
Spider diagrams. LOADS of them..
Reply 7
ok guys been 4 weeks now. Ive basically written up every single essay thats come up in the last 7 years (Excluding the similar ones). Im quite confident with the 2 essay modules now but i'm not that confident with sources but theres time for that. Thanks for all your suggestions, i hope i get that C up to an A come March
Reply 8
instead of writing full essay answers, i would suggest making essay plans only. you should aim to be able to make a plan in around 5 min.
Reply 9
instead of writing full essay answers, i would suggest making essay plans only. you should aim to be able to make a plan in around 5 min.

I like to write an essay with notes first, then plan a second one a few hours later and try without notes.
And the usual spider-diagrams, flow-charts, notes.
Make my own notes with bullet points. Then rewrite them. And again. And again. And again, until I can write out my notes off by heart. Then I'll go straight into writing an essay. Then read over the essay when I've finished, see where I've gone wrong (e.g. check my notes, or give it to my teacher to mark) and keep doing the essay til I get it right. Then I move on to the next essay....

I wish I came on here sooner, the techniques you guys use look so much easier!
Reply 11
Make my own notes with bullet points. Then rewrite them. And again. And again. And again, until I can write out my notes off by heart. Then I'll go straight into writing an essay. Then read over the essay when I've finished, see where I've gone wrong (e.g. check my notes, or give it to my teacher to mark) and keep doing the essay til I get it right. Then I move on to the next essay....

I wish I came on here sooner, the techniques you guys use look so much easier!

Yours do seem a bit longwinded, but its whatever works for you in the end! I expect it gets it into your head well. And the essay practices are always good for exam technique. :smile:
Yours do seem a bit longwinded, but its whatever works for you in the end! I expect it gets it into your head well. And the essay practices are always good for exam technique. :smile:

It's sort of effective - I remember all the info I need for the exam, but when I open the paper I freeze for the first ten minutes!
Reply 13
It's sort of effective - I remember all the info I need for the exam, but when I open the paper I freeze for the first ten minutes!

Yeah I do that too, takes me a while. Make a plan sometimes too detailed aswell. :smile:
Yeah I do that too, takes me a while. Make a plan sometimes too detailed aswell. :smile:

Yeah I think I'll try that :-) Thank you
Reply 15
Yeah I think I'll try that :-) Thank you

No problem, sorry about my awful grammar in that post! I'd edit it, but I can't really be bothered.
No problem, sorry about my awful grammar in that post! I'd edit it, but I can't really be bothered.

Hey, it's the weekend!
Reply 17
Hey, it's the weekend!

I'm really worried about my A2 History exams. :frown:
Reply 18
I'm really worried about my A2 History exams. :frown:

what do you have tooro i am doing A2 OCR Roosevelts America or watever its called lol.
Reply 19
We do in depth study on Elizabeth I and themes in history poor law to welfare state. Good times.