The Student Room Group

Cloudy urine/back pain

Hey guys, over the last couple of days i've noticed that my urine has become really cloudy. I've also got a pretty sore back, its more painful in one side than the other. I thought I had just pulled a muscle until I realised that cloudy urine might mean something to do with kidneys. I've had a urinary tract infection before but when I had that I just had to pee all the time and there was some blood in it. I don't feel like that at all now; I just feel a bit crappy but I thought that was working everynight and then staying up and drinking after work. Should I go and see the doctor? :s-smilie:

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When you have cloudy urine its usualy an infection, go to the doctors.
Reply 2
Go and see a doctor urgently tommorrow. This sounds to me like it could be an infection which is moving up to your kidneys that can become very painful very quickly. You need to go and get some antibiotics. Call up your GP in the morning and tell them you need an urgent appointment.
Reply 3
Really? I hate wasting the doctors time, and I usually just follow the mantra of leave it a week and it'll go away. Serious things like kidney infections don't really happen to me lol. I'd hate it if he said, you've pulled a muscle in your back you idiot. It's no more sore today than it was yesterday or anything
Cloudy urine = infection; see your GP.
Really? I hate wasting the doctors time, and I usually just follow the mantra of leave it a week and it'll go away. Serious things like kidney infections don't really happen to me lol. I'd hate it if he said, you've pulled a muscle in your back you idiot. It's no more sore today than it was yesterday or anything

You really need to go to the doctors. You aren't wasting their time.
Reply 6
Really? I hate wasting the doctors time, and I usually just follow the mantra of leave it a week and it'll go away. Serious things like kidney infections don't really happen to me lol. I'd hate it if he said, you've pulled a muscle in your back you idiot. It's no more sore today than it was yesterday or anything

mate, please don't leave it in the hope that it will go away. You are not wasting your GP's time as cloudy urine in itself is a sign that you have a urine infection. If this is the case, it may well continue up the tract, as Randdom said and your kidneys will be infected too (perhaps explains the back pain). This alone, is a pretty valid reason to go to your GP.

Also, remember people go to the GP all the time with a cold :p:
Reply 7
Definitely go to the doctors, cloudy urine almost certainly equals infection, you'll be in and out in no time, out with some antibiotics which should clear it in a week. And it does sound like its spread to your kidneys too, but thats solved the same way.

Dont just leave it, as it will get worse.
Reply 8
Sounds a lot like a UTI, to me. Drink plenty and get to your GP. The longer you leave it, the more likely you are to damage your kidneys. If you're quite prone to them, I'd discuss this also and get some advice.
Reply 9
yes, it even says on google. Just type in cloudy urine and you'lle see
Reply 10
If you leave it too long and it moves to your kidney you could be facing a long recovery time (from friends i've seen get them anyway)... it's better to waste one doc's time now than end up in hospital, screaming in pain and needing the attention of 3!
Reply 11
If you leave it too long and it moves to your kidney you could be facing a long recovery time (from friends i've seen get them anyway)... it's better to waste one doc's time now than end up in hospital, screaming in pain and needing the attention of 3!

3 doctors? You should be so lucky :wink:

I have problems with my kidneys and i get those symptoms. Go and get it seen to sooner rather than later. If it gets worse it may hurt more and kidney pain is a bitch.
Reply 12
Go to the doctor!

Cloudy urine and lower back pain is pretty indicative of an infection, and the back pain may mean infected kidneys which is not good. If you can't see the doctor first thing in the morning, then go to the hospital. Believe me, you don't want to leave this any longer, as it could get really bad - just like a friend of mine would tell you, after spending time in hospital due to a kidney infection.
Reply 13
3 doctors? You should be so lucky :wink:

I have problems with my kidneys and i get those symptoms. Go and get it seen to sooner rather than later. If it gets worse it may hurt more and kidney pain is a bitch.
At least 2 though.. the A&E one then the specialist if you are admitted, right?
Reply 14
Blood/cloudy urine is a sign of kidney damage, go see about it.
Reply 15
ok, update! woke up this morning feeling generally crappy (hungover). the pain in my back has dulled a bit but at one point felt as though it was moving towards my stomach - ahh, but no pain in stomach at the minute and a slight pain in my back. urine is no longer cloudy. whats going on?? can't get an appointment with doctor til next week and don't want to make an emergency one if its on the mend
Reply 16
Just make the emergency appointment. The doctor shouldn't blame you for being careful when you've basically had symptoms of a kidney infection.
Reply 17
Just make the emergency appointment. The doctor shouldn't blame you for being careful when you've basically had symptoms of a kidney infection.

Reply 18
OK, will do that now. Thanks for your help everyone :smile:
Reply 19
At least 2 though.. the A&E one then the specialist if you are admitted, right?

Ah i thought you were referring to at once. In that case, any amount of doctors! Being turfed around is common...