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Mock GCSEs

I can't stop panicking and crying over my mocks, because I haven't revised enough at all. I've already sat 5 and not confident about one of them. I'm frightened my teachers are going to start treating me differently if I have a string of Bs considering all my Year 11 target grades are A*...but I split up with my boyfriend a month ago and it was devastating for me, and coursework and general stress has made me not revise. Of course that's all my fault, I should have handled things better...thoughts?

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Reply 1
i wouldn't worry too much about these exams and its better if you make the mistakes now rather than in the real exams. in my gcse mocks, i got Bs Cs and Ds and my parents killed me for it. but then i started doing some real work and ended up comfortably with straight As so all is not lost especially this early. hope this helps and good luck!
Reply 2
The school is putting us under alot of pressure. We have half termly assessments and are reviewed on our progress and asked why we're not getting this, this and this. In my assessments I've been getting A* but sitting in that hall just makes everything go to pot.
Reply 3
Cannabis isn't the solution. Don't worry, the mocks are often harder and you'll be better prepared for the real thing.
Reply 4
I'm glad I'm not alone. Thanks guys. If I get really bad results I'll be devastated though...but it'll shock me into work!
I got BB in Double Science during my mocks and eventually came out with an A*A*. Consider your mocks as just sitting practice papers. Try not to get stressed out as much and try and find your best revision technique in this time that you can use around April/May. You should prioritise your work over your social life for now - you'll have plenty of time to kill during June, July, and August as you wait for your results!
Reply 6
ahh GCSE mocks, how i fondly remember it. Make a revision timetable and stick to it and loads of past papers or practise questions. and if you dont get good its not the end of the world...i remember i got 18 marks on my maths mock :eek:
Reply 7
If you do badly in your mocks, it's not as if you've failed your real exams. If you do, then you can always use it as motivation to do much better in your actual GCSEs as a means of proving your teachers wrong. :p:
Reply 8
for every gcse you take, if you do the same amount of revision for them as you did for your mocks, your score will increase by 10%, on average. studies done by the CCEA have shown this to be the norm every year.

don't worry. 10% is a whole grade, so you'll be fine. plus teachers mark the mocks far harder than the real gcses. i got lots of c's in my mocks and came out with a nice collection of grades ranging from a*s to bs.
Reply 9
Mocks don't count for anything. I got a D:s-smilie: in one mock and got an A in that come summer:biggrin: .
I got BB in Double Science during my mocks and eventually came out with an A*A*. Consider your mocks as just sitting practice papers. Try not to get stressed out as much and try and find your best revision technique in this time that you can use around April/May. You should prioritise your work over your social life for now - you'll have plenty of time to kill during June, July, and August as you wait for your results!
Agreed! I got an E in my English Literature mock exam and I improved that to an A.
Reply 11
i got 5/50 in maths mock :biggrin:
Reply 12
Heres a comparison on how I did in mocks and the proper ones
(first one is mock, second one is the real one)

English C B
English Lit C B
Maths C A
Geography C A
History C B
Physics A* A
Biology U A
Chemistry B B
Business C B
French C C
I worked at the same rate all year so hopefully everyone's mock grade should improve
Reply 13
There's a concert I'm supposed to be going to tomorrow night. I've been told to go as a means of stopping myself getting stressed - if I revise all day tomorrow and Sunday will that be OK? I don't think I'd feel up to revising in the evening anyway.
Reply 14
Are your mocks on Monday? I'd still go tbh lol, but make sure your in a state to work on Sunday
Reply 15
I didn't revise at all for my mocks so that i could find out my base level - this allowed me to 'plan' my revision for the real ones 'effectively' (read: do the bare minimum to get what i wanted). My science teacher didn't like it when i told her of my intentions, apparantly it showed a "shocking attitude to work".

Edit: i should point out that i got all A's and A*, so it might be worth a try for anyone who likes to mix things up a bit.
Reply 16
I just think our school piles far too much pressure on us and that they're not very encouraging to get the results we and they want - they kind of just tell you to do it. I to be honest didn't know where to start with revision, and that didn't help matters. I'm just going to try my best, and at the end of the day, I have my friends, family and my health on my side. Teachers can say want they want; I'll be honest. I've been under a lot of personal and emotional stress, I'll work my socks off from now on, I know I bodged it up but I needed the shock of low grades to kickstart me out of feeling sorry for myself. Now I know what to learn, how to improve etc. and it feels good. I actually walked out of my Geography exam, the only person to stay the full 1hr 45 mins, beaming for the first time in weeks. I'd answered every question, scribbled all over the page and messed up mapwork, but I felt somehow proud of myself that I'd sat there and checked painstakingly, adding bits in I'd been too tired and nervous to do (though unfortunately adding measurements and giving references was too strenuous within 2 minutes and I only got half of them down, but it probably gained me another mark). There were bits I hadn't even been taught before in detail on the page, as the syllabus for my Year 8 and 9 classes was entirely different to the other classes and I had the same teacher in Year 7. However, somehow I know that I'm forming my character and that I hate being a gibbering wreck over exams. I'm a human being - I can make several mistakes. What's honourable is how you dust yourself off afterwards and how you try to avoid them in the future. And with that I'm off to do RS revision!
My mocks started today .. seriously, don't worry!!

They're just practice exams and won't affect your final grade. I'm not worrying too much, just going over the content once and after the mock exam I can see what I need to over and what to improve for the real thing ..

Good luck!
Well when I sat my Standard Grade prelims (exactly the same as mock exams) I hadn't really bothered doing much revision. We took them in December/January time as far as I can remember and I'm sure I got pretty much 2s and 3s for a lot of them (2 = B and 3 = C), but then when I got my results through in August I came out with 7 1s and a 2. Just take one subject at a time, maybe do a past paper to find out where your strengths and weaknesses are and work towards improving your weaknesses into your strengths. The hard part is not forgetting your strengths won't stay that way if you don't practice a few questions as your revising.

But, you'll be fine. Just don't let your teachers scare you when they give you back really awful-looking mock test results. Stay calm, cool and collected :cool:
Meh, mocks don't mean anything.