I have decided that I am going to pull out all the stops when I finally start my A levels, and I really want to achieve three A*s.
I've been told that the AS levels don't count for anything anymore, since they have changed, therefore I think I am only going to do three for both years.
My goal is to become a Barrister, and I would like to go down the route of earning a degree to do this. I would like to go to a university outside of the city, in a more rural location, such as Oxford. However, I am not completely averse to UCL or LSE etc.
I haven't got a straight set of A*s at GCSE (I have mainly A*s/As/Bs), therefore I would like to get the best possible results at A level as I know I was capable of much more at GCSE.
I am definitely going to take English Literature, History, and Philosophy, and if I do take four, the last would be Politics I think.
What I am really looking for is tips on getting all of my A*s.
I am considering doing bits of revision constantly throughout the year, and just flicking back through my notes right from the beginning as I think it would help to remember everything.
If anyone else has any specific tips that they have found from doing these subjects for getting an A* in English Lit, History, or Philosophy that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much!