The Student Room Group

A little advice from some LSE students would be much appreciated...

Having just confirmed my place at LSE, I was wondering if any current LSE students had any recommendations for accommodation? I'm a pretty private person and would be much more comfortable in a single room (preferably an en-suite!) but I know that's a lot to ask for a fresher's accommodation.

I'm also concerned about distance to LSE and the social factor (i.e. is it difficult to make friends in more private accommodation?). And then of course there is the worry that you share a room with someone and end up with a person of... er, unusual temperament/ habits.

Any advice would be very much appreciated!

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Reply 1
Just apply for a single room in the halls of your choice. Shared bathrooms are really not an issue in my experience.
Reply 2
High Holborn is pretty near LSE, and most of the rooms are single. Though personally, I think that the most sociable halls (halls that have great community spirit, where it is easy to meet others) are those that cater food as well.
Reply 3
champagnebubble, what course did you get an offer for?
Reply 4
High Holborn.
Reply 5
LSE doesn't exactly have private yet social halls. They tend to be in the extreme...

Try thinking about intercollegiate halls like might find that mix there but its extremely popular
I got an offer for Social Anthropology.

Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll look into International, definately! I've heard mixed reviews about High Holborn but I guess I just have to research a bit more.
High Holborn. You can be as social or anti-social as you like.
Reply 8
Northumberland House -- lots of first years get single en-suite rooms. It's 15 minutes to LSE (9 if you're in a hurry, as you will be most of the time). And you can be as social or anti-social as you like.
I know Im biased cos Im staying at carr saunders but I would say from my own experience and what I've heard from others that it's definitely one of the if not the most sociable hall. It's got a really nice community atmosphere and everybody knows each other.and also most of the rooms are single so you can be antisocial if you so desire, plus it's only about 25 mins from LSE and its the cheapest hall!
Lol, everyone is pimping their own halls! Thanks for the advice though; it means that no matter where I end up, it should be good which is always nice to think :smile:
Northumberland is probably the nicest undergraduate residence. I don't live there, though, so you can't accuse me of favourtism. =p
Reply 12
Whats the parking like? Any parking area available for students of LSE?
Northumberland House -- lots of first years get single en-suite rooms. It's 15 minutes to LSE (9 if you're in a hurry, as you will be most of the time). And you can be as social or anti-social as you like.

Aren't all first years in twin rooms? :confused:
Reply 14
Whats the parking like? Any parking area available for students of LSE?

Not really. I think there are at some halls, but it costs a ridiculous amount to get one. Must admit, I haven't looked into it too much....

Why you'd want to bring a car is beyond me.
Aren't all first years in twin rooms? :confused:

That's what it says on the website yeah, but that's not true at all.
Reply 16
I wouldn't 'pimp' my own halls (Bankside), lol. Even though that is the hall you are most likely to get a single ensuite...if not, all you have to do is share a bathroom with one other person.

Bankside there are parking's £525 for the academic year. I have to agree with Synergetic...there is really no point.

Nicest to live in, I would say...Northumberland, only downside is as a first year high chance of sharing.

Another downside (maybe it was only the room I visited), bathroom...WAY too small, the toilet was practically in the shower!

Other than that, it seems really nice. Especially when you're walking back from Strawberry moons/tiger tiger/(insert other studenty club here) at 3am and it's freezing and you passing Northumberland.

Most social, seems to be Rosebery (this year). I dunno why, those people are ALWAYS out, whenever you go out, you start chatting and then they slip in yeah 'in my halls Rosebery'. Tbh, I've onyl met two Carr Saunders people, and they're 2nd years. But from talking to them Carr-Saunders seems really friendly
Reply 17
Tbh, I've onyl met two Carr Saunders people, and they're 2nd years. But from talking to them Carr-Saunders seems really friendly

Everyone from Saunders knows everyone else from Saunders, we tend to hang out with each other. Also we pretty much never go to Crush.
That's what it says on the website yeah, but that's not true at all.

Do they swap when they get there? Because as far as I'm aware first years are only allocated twin rooms :s-smilie: at least that was the case when I applied last year!
Reply 19
Everyone from Saunders knows everyone else from Saunders, we tend to hang out with each other. Also we pretty much never go to Crush.

Ah, good for you guys, I hate waking up walking towards reception and seeing a batch of people I have never seen before.

Lol, well that fits because I didn't meet these people at crush. :wink: