The Student Room Group

Bath Vs Nottingham For Mpharm

i can't decide which one to put as my first choice.

they both want the same grades AAB, so i can't keep the other as an insurance.

both of the courses are quite similar, I just can't decide which one i would prefer.

theres are things i love about both,

nottingam: huge campus, better nightlife, better shopping facilities, closer to home (2 hours max).

bath: safer, cleaner, SOOO BEAUTIFUL, fab accomadation, smalller campus soo easier to meet people. However it is like 5 hours away from home.

any advice from current students at both university's or TO be students, would help.


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Reply 1
it's entirely up to you but i was in your boat a year ago and i chose nottingham (i'm now a 1st year pharmacist at notts). Travel-wise bath is about an hour from home, nottingham is about 2.5 hrs - distance didn't really bother me too much. I preferred nottingham for the campus, the nightlife is immense and the course is very highly respected. Bath has a nice campus and a good course but the nightlife is pretty crap. You say a small campus is better for meeting people - i'd tend to disagree - bigger campus means more people = more chance of finding people you like - but if you prefer a smaller campus that's fine.
That's my opinion and why i chose nottingham - in the end, there's only one opinion that matters and it's not mine. I don't think you'll be making a mistake whichever you choose.
Reply 2
thanks sooooooooo much petrolhead, that really helped.
yes nottinghams campus is amazing, where are you staying for your first year? which halls?
i think lenton and worthley ensuited rooms are quitee nice.

the thing which really put me off about nottingham is its "violent nature", how much have you seen of this since you started the uni, because even my teacher said its notoriously violent. When i went to nottingham it seemed so friendly (this was during the nightlife aswell), but i don't understand the gun crime figures and everything.

well that advice was really helpful, thank you sooo much:biggrin::biggrin:!
Reply 3
wait a minute, your in lincoln!! i remember your replied to my post on accomdation agess agooo..:biggrin::biggrin:!!

do you have cleaners and stuff....and have you got an ensuited room???
Reply 4
That's hard, I applied for nottingham cause I liked it better, it has a much bigger campus and I loved the atmosphere. Also, the oppurtunity to go and study in malasyia was not to be missed, good if you want to escape from family!! On the other hand, Bath is nice, beautiful but I thought it was a bit too small, also when i went to the open day the majority of people for pharmacy were girls, there was only one boy! But i guess that that was a one-off. To be honest, if you are willing to live away from home choose bath, but if you don't like to travel alot maybe notts is the better option. How long have you got to choose???

P.S. Is bath higher than notts in the league table?
Reply 5
till january i guess:s-smilie: lol!! thanks soo much, peoples opinons are really helping put everything into prospective, i think bath is slightly higher, but tbh, i think they are both as good as each other.

thanks very much petzneo!
Reply 6
That ok, in the end i agree with petrolhead its your choose and you've got plenty of time to decide. One thing i suggest is to ask the unis if you can view each of them again, you never know it could be crucial to your decision and might provide a different perspective of the unis that you didn't see before.
Reply 7
sorry for thr late reply Pamiyoo
Yeah I'm in Lincoln Hall, in a single study room and I absolutely love it. Room is loads bigger than i thought and i get a sink and fridge in my room (fridge's are new this year - i didn't know i was getting one til i arrived).
My room gets cleaned once a week - they sweep up, empty the bins, do a bit of dusting, etc. We swap bedsheets for clean ones once a week (you have to pick them up from a room in halls).
Crime was definitely an issue for me when deciding on unis. It was basically the only thing putting me off nottingham. But I can honestly say it's no worse than any other big city. I haven't heard of much at all. I've been here about 12/13 weeks and I've heard of one guy in my halls being mugged in town (he was on his own and flashing a mobile) and this morning a girl had her room burgled - they nicked a laptop, mp3, cash and phone. That's not much in one term. As long as you are sensible you'll be fine. I've been out in town at night loads and never had any problems at all. Just stay in a group and don't get into any confrontations with anyone and you'll be fine. I can honestly say I feel safe going into Nottingham city centre at night and I never thought I'd say that lol. It's just a case of being sensible. I think the reputation of Nottingham is media hype. A few years ago there were problems with gun crime, but it was in areas of the city that students wouldn't go anyway. I've heard burglaries in Lenton (the main student area to live) are quite common but again, be sensible, lock doors and windows, etc and you'll be fine. Obviously Bath has much less crime but I really wouldn't let crime put you off Nottingham.
Any other questions feel free to ask
Reply 8
yet again fantastic information provided,
thank-you soo much, you have helped me many ways, and helped me reach a decision.

i like how you told me the "truth":biggrin::biggrin:, and that had really put into prospective which uni is going to be my top choice!!

and its defooooo defooo nottingham haha!! i am going to steal your fridged room next year, so beaware!!!

what course you doing??

:biggrin::biggrin: you been a great help!! cheers a million

Reply 9
No worries. I'm in my first year doing pharmacy btw.
Make sure you're choosing Nottingham for the right reasons. It's a great uni and everything but don't base your decision on what I've said - remember I'm biased. You could find people at Bath who rave about Bath like I do about Nottingham. I just want to make sure you're making the best decision for you. If that's Nottingham, brilliant - good choice lol.
Yeah get my room - I have a great view across the Downs (big open space in the middle on campus).
Have a great christmas
Reply 10
Has anyone had bath interviews?! x
Reply 11
hey jazz
yes i have why?
Reply 12
what did they ask u? was it informal? is it hard? how long is it? when they ask u wha ques do u hav. did u ask any?! n if so. what?! :colondollar: n umm how long did u wait to hear from them?! thank u any help is appreciated. xx :smile:
Reply 13
they are very very informal, they dnt relali ask any questions related to science, but some interviewers may ask about the odd thing like whats aspirin, or to do a quick simple calculation,

mine wasnt like that, it was informal, friendly asked bout personal statement stuff, why pharm, why bath, work exp, i didnt ask ne questions, i didnt know what else to say.

took them 2 weeks to reply exacly.

good luck with your interview.

dont worry its realli friendly.
Reply 14
thank u for ur help :smile: x
Reply 15
Bath!! But then i would say that.

Seriously though, both are good universities. Bath is a much nicer place to live, and feels so much safer compared to nottingham. But on the downside its a long journey to get to, and can get a little bit claustrophobic if you dont get away from time to time!!
Reply 16
looks like nottingham offers gone up

i no people last year got offers off ABB
Reply 17
Both have gone up a lot recently. When i applied (3 years ago now!) my offers were ABB from bath and BBB from nottingham!!
Reply 18
wow, so recneps, are u in your 4th year now???
howw do you find the mpharm degree?? is it heavily based on chem??
whata re the ckubs in bath like?? do you end up goin on trips to bristol??
on my interview day in bath, we only got to speak to 1st year students, i was just wonderin, howww you found the duration of the course?

thanks for all your help already:biggrin:
Reply 19
No... third year

well... i should be... but i kinda screwed up so back in the second year again!

There is a lot of chem, especially in the first year.

I've been on a couple of Bristol trips. Bath's clubs (including Elements in the students union) are generally small and nothing special - but as i've said to people before its not realyl the club that matters but the people you are out with. If you're out with your friends you'll have a good time no matter what :wink:

As for the course - well, at times it seems to be dragging on but theres usually at least SOMETHNG interesting going on!