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Reply 1
I haven't heard anything about that, but I'm sure there was a study done a few years ago saying that students who wrote more often in blue ink did better than those who wrote in black. Was something to do with the fact that the ink is brighter so it makes you happier or something.

I can totally understand why they'd want to get rid of blue ink though. Depending on what type of blue it is it can be really hard on the eyes to read. Remember, markers are going through piles of scripts, usually at night, and the last they want is to be getting a headache from the bright blue ink.
Reply 2
I know that for the AQA physics multiple choice section you have to use a black biro. I've not heard that about the other exams though, I that in this case it's just because a computer marks the papers.

( Multiple choice at A-level!!! :biggrin: )
Reply 3
We had to use an HB pencil (not any other type of pencil, oh no) that was sharp if there were any computer-marked multiple choice questions.
Doesn't really bother me, I use black pens all the time anyway.
I haven't heard this either, but it probably is true with the number of scripts now being marked online. Black ink will scan better on a black and white scanner than blue ink so it'll be easier to read.
Reply 6
I think it's a suggestion, not a requirement. :smile:
I've used black ink since my psychology teacher told me about that study ^ ^ ! :biggrin:
Reply 8
Yes, it's true, I got a copy of the JCQ rules, and it said you must write in black ink.
Reply 9
Since when? :eek:

I hope this is not the case, I prefer writing in blue.
Thank you for clarifying it.

I always prefer writing in blue as well, but I guess I have to change now.
We were told you have to write in black, as blue does not scan as well.
Reply 12
Its a requirement and I was told it is because when exams are scanned/ phtocopied it makes the writing clearer if its in black
Reply 13
If my school forces me to do A2 General Studies [i have told them i dont want to do it], i will write in orange just to be a pain...
Reply 14
Its a mod edit: ****ing rumour, but use black to be safe if you get paranoid..
Reply 15
Its not a rumour, In my school the exams I have to sit in January we are only permitted to use black biros.
Reply 16
I haven't heard anything about that, but I'm sure there was a study done a few years ago saying that students who wrote more often in blue ink did better than those who wrote in black. Was something to do with the fact that the ink is brighter so it makes you happier or something.

I can totally understand why they'd want to get rid of blue ink though. Depending on what type of blue it is it can be really hard on the eyes to read. Remember, markers are going through piles of scripts, usually at night, and the last they want is to be getting a headache from the bright blue ink.

Hmm, i do write better in blue ink. Black ink seems to be cursed to me!
Reply 17
Its not a rumour, In my school the exams I have to sit in January we are only permitted to use black biros.

Really? Gosh, we international students seems to know nothing of this!
Reply 18
Really? Gosh, we international students seems to know nothing of this!

Lol. Yeah its really random its got something to do with papers being scanned and blue ink not being shown on the computer!
Reply 19
it is true, i had a copy of the exam rules etc and it says black ink only. also on the exam paper i had today it said only black ink