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Reply 1

They will probably give you an interview, and if your succesful, you'll get the job. The recruitment day will last for the day, but you only need to go and have your interview for no more than 30 mins i would say. They'd ask you what hours you can work etc.
I went to a recruitment evening and got a call a week later and told i had the job!
You will then do your Induction and till training.
Hope this helps!
Reply 2
Thanks a lot. At least now i know what to expect. :smile:
Reply 3
Good luck on getting the job then!
What are you applying for?
Reply 4
I doubt i could work at the checkout cause its only a temp job. So shelf stacking for me :smile:
Reply 5
Ah right! I think they till train all staff anyway, so you never know.
I work on checkouts.
Reply 6
Cool. Is it hard? I wouldnt mind working on checkouts but it must be hard for the first few weeks, right?
Reply 7
Yeah, its not too hard. The tricky bit is getting used to where the items that need weighing are on the menu. The general scanning of items, taking payment etc is pretty easy, and most of us are computer literate, it is pretty easy!

I got used to them on probably my second full day using them to be honest, yes i still had to ask someone else about a few bits but its normal!
Reply 8
Every job starts as temporary with sainsburys really but it doesnt mean you wont stay or they wont train you on tills and stuff. My job I applied for was 'temporary' but I could stay on.. and I was put straight to the checkouts.

Just be prepared to be able to identify fruit and veg for scanning.. they usually have stickers with numbers you can enter but just incase they dont or you get tested you should know what they are.

Takes a week or so do get a feel for the checkouts but they get easy soon enough.
Reply 9
Thanks for all your help. I got the job. Not on checkouts but a jobs a job. :smile:
Reply 10
Well Done :smile:
Enjoy!! When do you start?
Reply 11
I have induction on wednesday. What should i expect?
And do they supply you with trousers and can u wear trainers?
Thanks again :smile: Its my first proper job, im so happy.
Reply 12
The induction is basically training you, and teaching you about sainsbury's. Its ment to take 2 days, but it can be done in one.
They supply you with trousers, as well as either Polo Shirt or Shirt & Tie. You can wear black trainers, but not any other colours. I think they can provide Steel Capped Boots too if required.
on the topic of hoping to find a summer job for roughly 2 months (July and August). Should i go ask the local Sainsbury if they have any summer vacancies now or during the next Uni break (in 13 weeks?). Also...should i say straight away that im only looking for a 2 month job? and finally...Would they have a problem with me working July, taking August out and then working again in September (obvs not being paid in August if it means missing it...). Oh, and whats the pay like :p:?

thanks in advance :smile:
Reply 14
the pay varies depends on the area its in.. I live in Glasgow and the sainsburys i work in in the city centre pays £5.86 an hour to over 18s but I know not far away in braeheads bigger one the over 18s get about £5.20 odd.
I haven't had an induction at Sainsburys, but I did have an induction at Tesco's for a temporary job so I imagine it's the same. You pretty much learn all the health and safety rules (where you go if there's a fire, etc), uniform, and you'll get a quick tour. There's nothing really to it, you basically just sit there listening to people talk or watching videos!
the pay varies depends on the area its in.. I live in Glasgow and the sainsburys i work in in the city centre pays £5.86 an hour to over 18s but I know not far away in braeheads bigger one the over 18s get about £5.20 odd.

Rle? Im really quite surprised, last December when I started I earned 4.76 (i was 17), that slowly went up until I was earning 5.35 (still 17) and this month when ive turned 18 my pay has gone up to 6.45 (and even more with the sunday premium.) Pay varies that much? I knew certain regions got more than others.

Also to abrp, you could ask but being completley honest with you, the point of summer temps is to cover holidays for permenant staff and if you take a month break in the middle it kinda defeats the object especially when there will be many other students who will be willing to work July, August and September. So, I really dont think you'll have much luck, unless youve worked for Sainsbury's before and you are completly trained.

If you are going to apply, dont just pick up and application form from customer services and hand that in because personnel will just bin it when they see you cant work August. If you ring up your local store and ask to speak to the personnel manager, and discuss your situation with them.
kk thanks. how early should i apply ? also..what if the "break" is just say 2 weeks? meh i guess at the end of the day i can work in 1 shop for july + half of august , take break then work at another?
If I were in your shoes, i would contact the personnel manager sometime during January. I know that does seem quite early but it means that you have shown interest. You can wait till April and pick up an application form from customer services but I think theres more chance if you contact the personnel manager earlier than that.
Reply 19
Do they pay us more for working on christmas eve?

BTW. Im on £4.88 until april when it goes up to £5.11 and i get a discount card. Im 16.