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Dulwich College - need some advice


Should I go there?

I've got a decision to make and I need some advice. The Vice Principal at my school told me that I may have the chance of getting a full bursary to go to Dulwich College because I'm predicted A* in most of my subjects. However I really don't know if the college is for me. Initially I had intended to go to a state school as I have done all my life but now I've been told that I will have much better chances of getting into Uni's like Oxbridge if I go Dulwich. Also I'd initially intended to study Economics, Maths, Further Maths, Politics and Philosophy but Dulwich don't do the last two subjects so I'd have to study Economics, Maths, Further Maths and History instead if I went there. No one I know is going Dulwich and I'd be leaving alot of my really close friends if I decided to apply and was accepted. Is it really worth it? Honestly I still think I'll get good grades at A Level even if I go to a state school and Dulwich doesn't seem like the sort of place I'd enjoy myself. Is the prestige of the college that valuable? Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks guys. :confused:

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Reply 1
I'd say go where you'd be most happy and doing the subjects that you want to. Don't let teachers pressurise you into doing something you don't want!

I reckon they'd prepare you better there for the interviews etc than they would at a state school. Oxbridge will accept you if they want to, regardless of your school though. At least they should do.
Reply 2
Well, I am on a full bursary to an independent sixth form atm having been to a state school (not a particularly good one either) all my life... so I would actually say to go where you want. I was going to go to a state sixth form right until July and then my mum basically had a go at me and said that I would be stupid to turn down a 'free meal ticket'. However, I have noticed that the teachers aren't all that good in truth - I don't know whether all sixth forms are like this as teachers don't really make an effort anymore or it's just my school but hey. I left all my friends and it's an all-girls college so that was weird to adjust to but you can still meet your mates outside of school. Right now, I am sort of wishing that I had gone to the local comp but I didn't. I would say go for what you want and do the subjects you want. I have noticed that my new school did the harder GCSE syllabii so especially in maths and geography I have had a lot of catching up to do and they didn't do 'bridging courses' so they jump straight in.

In short, go to the one you want - don't just go to the independent college because of the prestige, although the classes in the independent college will probably be more geared to 'A' grade candidates rather than passes or Cs or whatever. They will strive higher in the independent one probably. Although, my sixth form has totally put me off uni. Lol.

Hope I have helped.
Reply 3
Thanks guys. I was wondering if Dulwich College really is all that it's cracked up to be. I mean how much better is the teaching there than at a normal state college?
Reply 4
Reply 5
Place has always struck me as being extremely snobby but I suppose many super-private-schools give that appearance to outsiders. I suppose the place looks pretty good seeing as they own half of Dulwich and have more money than the Queen. There's no doubt facilities wise it's a top notch place, which is good if you're interested in sports, etc.

(This isn't really a helpful opinion, I just saw the topic and thought funny someone would ask about a school I've walked past a dozen times)
Yeah. I should so go to Dulwich. I'd kick ass.

But in any case, go to Dulwich. You don't need to do 5 A/S Levels, and really, Universities don't want more than three A Levels, so you should probably drop one of them anyway.

Um, so I'd say go for it.
Reply 7
Place has always struck me as being extremely snobby

Not true.
Reply 8
Not true.

It kinda is to be honest.
Is Dulwich College near Kingsdale school?
Reply 9
YOu sound like you'll only be going for the presitge and for the supposed better chances of Oxbridge, But it sounds like you won't enjoy it at all and you'r having to make a lot of compromises that won't only affect thenext two years but also you're degree choice and your social circle.

If you don't mind the compromises then go, but if some of them seem too muhc then don't
Public schools are so much better than state schools. If you have the chance go, but only if you feel that you can adjust properly and fit in with everyone else.
Reply 11
It kinda is to be honest.
Is Dulwich College near Kingsdale school?

It's not - only outside perception

Dulwich Prep is next to Kingsdale, totally separate school
^^ Not true.

Some of my friends go to public schools, all different ones, and I go to a state college. I'm getting just as good an education as them, IMO. When revising with them, I don't get the impression they're any better then me, generall, we knoe the same stuff.

Really, it's down to the individual if you'll do well. And seeing as you did so well at GCSE, you've got the revision pattern and discipline to do well at AS, wherever you went.

Socailly, from the shift to college most people aren't going to the same coll as there friends, I'm certainly not, so I wouldn't use that as an excuse to go wherever. Go what feels most comfortable for you, as, like another girl said, you really will end up hating it for nothing.
It's not - only outside perception

Dulwich Prep is next to Kingsdale, totally separate school

Reply 14
Remember that, if you're good enough to get a scholarship/bursary at DC, you're probably good enough to get a place at other schools with equally good/better academic reputations, but without the slight arrogance and snobbery that some people say some DC boys might have. Alleyn's is right next door, mixed, has an excellent academic and Oxbridge record and is generally agreed by almost everyone connected with it to be one of the friendliest, least pretentious independent schools in London. If the journey to Blackfriars/the Barbican is manageable, both the boys' and the girls' City of London schools are similarly down-to-earth, and even better academically than both Alleyn's and Dulwich College, and they both have very extensive and generous scholarship/bursary schemes. There are many others I haven't mentioned.

It sounds like you have an excellent academic record and your family's financial circumstances are such that you would qualify for a bursary at most independent schools. DC is a good school, but remember it isn't your only option in the independent sector.
Reply 15
my brother is at Dulwich, as are some of my friends, none of whom follow the general snob steryotype associated with publuc school, amazing place. go.
ffuuck hell I want too go to dulwich college
(edited 10 years ago)
Emma Watson harry potter star
I've got a decision to make and I need some advice. The Vice Principal at my school told me that I may have the chance of getting a full bursary to go to Dulwich College because I'm predicted A* in most of my subjects. However I really don't know if the college is for me. Initially I had intended to go to a state school as I have done all my life but now I've been told that I will have much better chances of getting into Uni's like Oxbridgdndnd ****ing hell i am so stupid that I want to kill myself
e if I go Dulwich. Also I'd initially intended to study Economics, Maths, Further Maths, Politics and Philosophy but Dulwich don't do the last two subjects so I'd have to study Economics, Maths, Further Maths and History instead if I went there. No one I know is going Dulwich and I'd be leaving alot of my really close friends if I decided to apply and was accepted. Is it really worth it? Honestly I still think I'll get good grades at A Level even if I go to a state school and Dulwich doesn't seem like the sort of place I'd enjoy myself. Is the prestige of the college that valuable? Any responses would be much appreciated. Thanks guys. :confused:
suck my dick
(edited 10 years ago)
Original post by ****ing maid

Suck your dick
I get into the dulwich