The Student Room Group

Boys, what would you do?

You go on a first date with a girl which goes so well that it lasts nearly 24 hours, and the two of you get on like a house on fire.
So you ask her out again.
Date number two doesn't go so well as she is (or both of you are) more nervous and there are more awkward moments.

Would you still give her a third try?

(As you may have guessed, this isn't an entirely hypothetical situation, and I'm the girl in this equation, so I'd love to know what the boys think...)
Id give it a third try. The first date sounds like it went well, so there's proof that it can work.
Reply 2
If I got on well with her the first time then yeah, it may just be that the venue, time etc were not ideal.

e.g after a good first date at a pub, i took a girl to a gig, which didn't go brilliantly, but then went for a meal again for third date and was different again.
Lol. I can't see why you'd consider not going for a third date.
Reply 4
Yes of course go out on another date. Nervousiness is common in dates (of course, they are normally on the first one) so ask him out again and see how it goes.
As a boy, if you spend too much time with your girlfriend in such a short period of time, you're quite likely to get bored of her.
Reply 6
Maybe he wasn't as nervous as you?
Reply 7
Yes of course go out on another date. Nervousiness is common in dates (of course, they are normally on the first one) so ask him out again and see how it goes.

I did, but he was busy... really couldn't tell from his tone whether he was genuinely busy or whether he was giving me the brush off, hence my question!
He was coming on quite strong after the first date but not so much after the second, so I just wondered...
Reply 8
I did, but he was busy... really couldn't tell from his tone whether he was genuinely busy or whether he was giving me the brush off, hence my question!
He was coming on quite strong after the first date but not so much after the second, so I just wondered...

Well if he was coming on quite strong on the first date, it is possible he was only trying to get into your knickers.

But thats only a slight possiblity
Reply 9
I'd definitely go for it again. I wouldn't negate the idea of what could potentially be a fantastic relationship just because of one moderately awkward date, especially considering how well the first one seemed to have gone. That'd be silly.
Dunno, is she fit :biggrin:
Reply 11
Go for it!
Reply 12
there was probably just alot of pressure on the second date to be as good as the first!
Reply 13
Given the fact that the first one went so well then definitely. You haven't exactly got much to lose, if it doesn't go very well then you will know for sure and not be having any possible regrets, but if it is great then you'll be happy.
Reply 14
id give her a third try in the back of my car probs seats down and preferably doggy if she didnt mind