The Student Room Group
I dont think I would want to know to be honest :P
Reply 2
I think we do get to find out in our reply letter? I vaguely recall reading it somewhere on this forum..
I think you have to bug them in a few months time if you want to find out.
Reply 4
According to the DoS at my interview they said they do not release results of these, and we don't even get to find out our interview scores either. BUT he did mention the fact that if you get an offer it would imply you did well in the TSA etc.
What's the chance of getting an offer if you messed up TSA but did well other parts then?
I never got my TSA results back, and I assume that is the same with all colleges that set them. TSA is only a small part of the admissions process and so if you did well in all the other parts doing badly in this definitely doesn't mean you're out of the running.
Reply 7
For some colleges/subjects (was going to say most but don't know) the TSA is still very much an experiment - see how TSA scores correlate with future performance
Reply 8
You can phone the admissions office about 2 weeks after the test to get your results
Reply 9
Anyone bothered to get their TSA results? is it possible?

I'm interested to how I did.
That's because Trinity rules <waves flag>
Email the admissions tutor, and ask - I got given mine. My DoS also promises that he'll show me my interview report and ranking when I graduate.... could be interesting..!
Reply 12
my mate got into economics at st johns and he thought it was because of his TSA so he was interested to find out what he got but the lady sent him a blunt reply saying the score on its own is meaningless so they do not release them..