Hello all, I am in somewhat of a panic at the moment. Having applied to medical schools in October, I put down Bradford as my backup if I didn't get into Medicine or Biomedical Sciences. Out of all my choices, it was well below in terms of entry requirements etc, and strictly speaking I had the points already.
I am not here to rant about how I should have gotten a place easily, but what concerns me is that if Bradford could turn around and say no like that, what chance do I have with my other choices? I am predicted to get AABB by the end of the year so it isn't like I am completely out of this league...
Anyone else got a rejection from them? Once I get the letter in the post, I will give them a ring, but until them I am in a blind panic, expecting my email to pop up with more changes on my UCAS along with more rejections. Could this have anything to do with the fact that I have also applied to Leeds for Medicine (the Bradford course is intended to give people a chance for entry into the same course)???? Or that I live far away, thus making it difficult for an interview?
Is this the clinical sciences program with entry into leeds?
If so, that's a really popular course, maybe you were just unlucky, your PS, etc didn't shine out to them that much. That doesn't mean the same will happen when medical admissions tutors look at your form, since after all, it's more than just grades they're looking for.
I don't think they would have rejected you on the basis of where you live though/
Hello all, I am in somewhat of a panic at the moment. Having applied to medical schools in October, I put down Bradford as my backup if I didn't get into Medicine or Biomedical Sciences. Out of all my choices, it was well below in terms of entry requirements etc, and strictly speaking I had the points already.
I am not here to rant about how I should have gotten a place easily, but what concerns me is that if Bradford could turn around and say no like that, what chance do I have with my other choices? I am predicted to get AABB by the end of the year so it isn't like I am completely out of this league...
Anyone else got a rejection from them? Once I get the letter in the post, I will give them a ring, but until them I am in a blind panic, expecting my email to pop up with more changes on my UCAS along with more rejections. Could this have anything to do with the fact that I have also applied to Leeds for Medicine (the Bradford course is intended to give people a chance for entry into the same course)???? Or that I live far away, thus making it difficult for an interview?
That's what everyone thinks. The average grade prediction of applicants to that one course (AAA/B) are way in excess of those that uni tends to attract...
aw well try not to worry your head too much about it. maybe they give priority to those that live local (west yorks is it?). don't try and predict what your med school choices will say based on this decision, you'll just distract yourself and cause much and needless distress.
besides, there's always the choice of a gap year and reapplication. not the end of the world. but at this moment in time i'll assume you haven't heard from any of your med schools so just don't fret and stay focused
Don't worry about it. Just work on getting your grades first and on the small chance that you don't get them, take a gap year and resit or apply to one of the other access courses that are around. To be entirely honest, as popular as the course may be with med applicants, [from my personal experience] the city isn't the nicest I've ever passed through. I'm sure it may have it's merits, but it didn't leave a good impression on me.
Also, they wouldn't have rejected you for applying to Leeds, they wouldn't even know you've applied there.
Thanks for the replies guys, it is really worrying for me.
I hear that they usually have spaces well into Extra and even Clearing, like last year. Is it worth trying to apply there, worst case scenario if I don't get any other offers?
Yes, definitely apply if you don't get any offers, unless you want to do Graduate medicine. What I would worried about is if you do this course and don't get into medicine, would the unis be ok with you applying for another degree..
No, don't worry about it. I got rejected from three of the four medical schools I applied to. I got accepted at the 'best' one - no idea what that merely shows, but at least it does mean that the 'worst' course rejecting you doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to get rejected from the others.
Another reason you shouldn't worry about it is the fact it is completely out of your hands. I'm sure I remember lurking on a thread about that course at Bradford that was less than an unequivocal endorsement, so perhaps they did you a favour.
Thanks for the replies guys, it is really worrying for me.
I hear that they usually have spaces well into Extra and even Clearing, like last year. Is it worth trying to apply there, worst case scenario if I don't get any other offers?
There are other similar courses around the country in nicer cities anyhow, you best do some research into those if you're thinking about access
They ALWAYS have places in clearing (as I think you mentioned) if you still want to do the course come September then I wouldn't give up hope just yet.
But bear in mind that it is much harder to transfer to the Leeds course then most people seem to imagine it to be. A friend of mine is doing the foundation year (and has the option to transfer to year 1 medicine at Leeds at the end of this year, as well as the more normal transfer to year 2 at the end of the proper year 1) and he says that everyone on his course wants to transfer. Although there are 20 places on the Leeds course for Bradford transfers, hardly ever are all of those spots taken up - because the admissions tutors don't feel like some of the applicants will be able to cope with the Leeds course/are suitable (much like normal medical applications). As a word of warning, don't go into it thinking it'll be an easy ride.
Good luck though, you still have medical schools left to hear from and the fact that Bradford rejected you has no relation to how your application may do at medical schools, you may have just been unlucky at Bradford.
lancaster run a year long course that allows you a much higher chance of interview at liverpool/lancaster whichever you choose. you can use your other 3 choices however you like. you'd need to check about whether you'd be eligible for the interview depending on your a levels though. i know people who've done this and are medics here now.
hey i jus want to say that i did the the year 0 course at bradford for the first semester, however i recently dropped out as i thought it was such a waste of time and i feel wannabe medics would have a much greater chance of getting in2 uni if they took a gap year and did sopmething really useful/interesting in it and reapply. given that u get ur grades of course!
A friend of mine is doing the foundation year (and has the option to transfer to year 1 medicine at Leeds at the end of this year, as well as the more normal transfer to year 2 at the end of the proper year 1) and he says that everyone on his course wants to transfer. Although there are 20 places on the Leeds course for Bradford transfers, hardly ever are all of those spots taken up - because the admissions tutors don't feel like some of the applicants will be able to cope with the Leeds course/are suitable (much like normal medical applications). As a word of warning, don't go into it thinking it'll be an easy ride.
who's ur friend (if u dnt mind :P)? i may knw them..
According to NMM and their website, they link directly to UEA. You can apply to other med schools, but UEA is the med school with the linked places.
If you wish to apply for one of the linked places at the University of East Anglia (UEA) Medical School, this should be stated in a separate letter of application and should include the reasons why you want to study at UEA.
Hello all, I am in somewhat of a panic at the moment. Having applied to medical schools in October, I put down Bradford as my backup if I didn't get into Medicine or Biomedical Sciences. Out of all my choices, it was well below in terms of entry requirements etc, and strictly speaking I had the points already.
I am not here to rant about how I should have gotten a place easily, but what concerns me is that if Bradford could turn around and say no like that, what chance do I have with my other choices? I am predicted to get AABB by the end of the year so it isn't like I am completely out of this league...
Anyone else got a rejection from them? Once I get the letter in the post, I will give them a ring, but until them I am in a blind panic, expecting my email to pop up with more changes on my UCAS along with more rejections. Could this have anything to do with the fact that I have also applied to Leeds for Medicine (the Bradford course is intended to give people a chance for entry into the same course)???? Or that I live far away, thus making it difficult for an interview?
Same. They never told me.why I got rejected but gave me an alternative option? 😬😬