The Student Room Group

Living away, do you miss home

I'll be living away, and feel sad, as I would miss my family

There was a period, where I really wanted to move out. But now, I feel that I would miss my mum's cooking, doing the laundry and washing up.

I proberly visit home whilst away and call home regularly, but I feel like I won't have any people to talk to whilst living away.

Do you miss home? how do you cope?

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Reply 1
I'm not at uni yet, but the only things I'd miss are:

- Xbox Live
- Sky TV
- Downloading torrents
- Living free of charge

I stayed at home for 4 weeks over the summer whilst my family went on holiday. I didn't think I'd be able to do anything but I washed, ironed, cleaned and cooked, I was sad that they came home tbh, I enjoyed having the house to myself. Living on your own isn't that hard so don't worry about the general maintenance, if your close to your family then it may be problem, but with phones/e-mail/webcams and stuff it's not like your never gonna hear or see them.
Reply 2
the best thing is to go to a university near your home
Reply 3
I miss my friends and my animals, not my home so much.

Miss Northern Ireland in general though.
Reply 4
For the first week I missed everything, but now I miss uni when I come home. Also you get a sense of satisfaction when you do your own cleaning, cooking ect.
Reply 5
I thought I'd get really homesick but aside from the first week I haven't missed home at all really. Hope my mum doesn't read this or she'd go into decline.
Reply 6
I don't miss the actual being at home. When I went back earlier this term I was treated like a child. Stopped from going out. Insulted me, that did- I've been doing what the heck I liked in a city for a couple of months, and they said I couldn't go to a friends house!!!

Anyway I digress. So. I don't like home as home. But I do miss having laundry done, and being cooked for etc. And I was looking through pics of my dog earlier and I miss her :frown: I miss my friends too, of course, and I think I miss the familiarity most. I even miss school ¬_¬

I think you'll be fine once you get there and get used to the place, I feel familiar with where I am now and it's fine. But if it will be that much of a problem for you, then maybe go to uni far away enough to move, but close enough to go home at weekends.
Reply 7
i really miss my mummy & daddy and being at home when im at uni :p: you get used to it have to!
Reply 8
I am sure I will be missing all the comforts I have here (mum cooking for me, mum doing the laundry, mum cleaning my room, mum doing this, mum doing that).

But I guess that's part of growing up :smile:
Reply 9
both options have advantages & disadvantages.

you will learn to take responsibilities and it will make you feel much better. you will be free. you can grow your personality as you wish.
but if you aren't strong enough you may mess up.

if you stay with your parents then you won't have a chance to organise your life the way you want and also when they pass away it is likely you will become totally depressed.
however they are the people who will be there for you when you are really in need, not your friends. You carry the same blood in your vessels. Their existence will remind you your past and you will not be confused about your future.
Reply 10
i'm really homesick..or better have been,still can't believe i'm gonna back to Italy tomorrow and see my family and friends after almost 3's just that once you get used to the freedom of being at uni, going back to being your parents' daughter-with restrictions,questions about where you go,being treated like their kid and not an adult-feels so awkward...obviously i want to go more than ever now but i'm actually scared i'll realise that in the end i can actually cope without them anyway:i'm independent and free here,apart from the feeling of being in a family i don't really need more i weird...
Do you think mummy will miss doing your laundry and washing up?
I've moved from my Mum's house to my Dad's house for my gap year. I think it's worked out quite nicely, it's not quite living at home here - I do my laundry, all my washing up & buy most of my food; but I also have the comfort of living with a parent so I don't have any real responsibility. When I first moved down I did really miss home, but that only lasted a week, now I feel it's been a nice gradual step from living at home to, hopefully, living at University next year.
Reply 14
I'm not yet, but my brother is. He loves Uni, when he comes home he's happy for about 2/3 days after mum has fed him really well and then you can see he is itching to get back. I think he has made friends for life in uni. Just hope I'm as happy as he is. :smile:
Reply 15
So, OP, what you're saying is that you'll miss your mother acting as a skivvy for you, not that you'll miss your family for themselves. I bet you're male as well :p:

I like the familiarity of being home and the fact that it is nicer than student digs. However, while I get on well with my dad, my mother manages to successfully drive me mad and/or make me feel crap about myself every time I go home, which just makes me want to leave again. Sad.
Reply 16
If you make a decent effort to meet new people and make friends you really won't miss home that much. You'll only sit in your room sad and missing your friends and family at home if you make no effort to meet new people.
Reply 17
Didn't miss a thing, I loved the independence of living away and the social life I had there. Miss it now I'm back home.
Reply 18
I think i will really miss my mates there so sound but part of life :frown:
Reply 19
i missed home for a bit, but you get used to not having your parnets there ans stuff, i still missed my mates, but now im at home for christmas i reeeeeallly want to go back, especially now ive met up with most of my mates.