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Family problems

Please keep this annonymous.

Anyway so i've been dating my first cousin now for about a year, but we have been attracted to each other on and off since I was about 14 and sometimes secretly seeing each other.

We have a normal sex life.

Anyway my dads found out, and he's also found private and sensitive pics of me, and i'm afraid he and other members of my family will try and keep us apart but I love my bf.

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well if you know your family memebers reaction to it...which is negative...then i think its better to forget everything ..ofcourse first try to talk to ur dad and others..take someone into confidence..but still after the negotiations and conversations there are no common grounds found..then i say forget it ..i know its easy for us to say it but the fact is ..that with this relationship none of the people around you will be happy except for you will have this guilt forever in his/her just try to talk about it first ...
Reply 2
I think your Dad needs to lighten up a little, although hes probably just worried about you and will eventually come round to see things in a better light. I still remember when my dad caught me in my sisters bed one time, he was MAAAAAAD lol, but after a while he calmed down and was much more cool about the entire thing. People just need time to see that their kids choose who they want to choose and they cant change that no matter what.
Reply 3
It's not illegal to have a sexual relationship with a cousin. If you really love each other it won't matter what your family thinks or does. Its your life, live it for you and not your family.
Reply 4
I still remember when my dad caught me in my sisters bed one time, he was MAAAAAAD lol, but after a while he calmed down and was much more cool about the entire thing.

Was you "doing things" with your sister? :s-smilie:
Reply 5
I think your Dad needs to lighten up a little, although hes probably just worried about you and will eventually come round to see things in a better light. I still remember when my dad caught me in my sisters bed one time, he was MAAAAAAD lol, but after a while he calmed down and was much more cool about the entire thing. People just need time to see that their kids choose who they want to choose and they cant change that no matter what.

:eek: do you mean you were caught in your sisters bed or caught with your sister in her bed?:s-smilie:
Reply 6
I should make myself clear, since my other posts were removed :s-smilie:. yes, both my sister and I were in the same bed, I won't say more than this but thats what it was. People have done this for thousands of years, and will continue for thousands of years more, why should my sister and I be repressed by other peoples standards?.
I should make myself clear, since my other posts were removed :s-smilie:. yes, both my sister and I were in the same bed, I won't say more than this but thats what it was. People have done this for thousands of years, and will continue for thousands of years more, why should my sister and I be repressed by other peoples standards?.

You were actually doing stuff with your sister in bed?

That is just wrong.
Reply 8
I swear incest is illegal, like blood sister and brother is illegal, but cousins are allowed?
Reply 9
Yes, Incest is illegal. However cousins aren't. THe issue arises though because of the family connection. To the OP, it's best that, for the while at least you don't carry on, because it will hurt much more to be ostracised by your family than to stay away from your cousin. Who knows, in time they may accept it...
"why should my sister and I be repressed by other peoples standards?.

Why should a paedophile be repressed by other people's standards?

Its not about social standards its about the law.... unless it was a step sister

To the OP there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. Your family will have to find out eventually and it probably wont be pretty, but it will probably calm down. If not you may have to choose
To the guy about his sister: That is just wrong! sort it out you freak!

To the cousin person: Ok, in my opinion its wrong! and you are young, too young to ruin your family life and relationship with all family members over a relationship... especially such a weird one. and as for him finding a picture of you, i can understand your dads frustration, i mean i'm a dad of 9 and i would go mental if this was my daughter!
"Ok, in my opinion its wrong! and you are young"

O.K.... your opinion wont change anything, and I dont think the OP ven mentionned their age, so how can you say they're too young.... how young is too young for what?
Well i'm actually assuming she's young seeing as they have been attracted since 14 and she's only been seeing it for about a year, i'm guessing 17/18, if tahts the case, quite young, loads of time to live, get over it
i mean i'm a dad of 9 and i would go mental if this was my daughter!

Either you are completely repressed with no sense of proportion or self-discipline or you are, indeed, nine years old and a father. Either way you do not present a good role model for the OP.

There is nothing at all wrong with relationships between cousins (half the royal families of Europe are witness to this).
4 boys, 5 girls, 9 mums, i am the king of relationship advice!
Reply 16
9 mums? WTF!?
Would you like to be number 10...?
Reply 18
For 8 posts so far, you haven't made yourself the most likeable person...
Reply 19
Thanks for your messages and opinions so far.

In fact my mum and a few other family members know about it, its just my dad didn't.

Yes I am 18 years old.

My cousin and I have always been close, I would have thought my dad noticed that much.

I also would have hoped he had put two and two together.

As for the pictures well I had hidden them quite well so quite how he found them I don't know.

Anyway thanks for all your comments.