This is a bit of a complicated story so I'll simplify things.
I was diagnosed with epilepsy two years ago when I was in year 11. I was doing 13 GCSEs and predicted A/B for all of them. A combination of the epilepsy and other things meant that I ended up taking only three (English, maths and science) and getting 5 GCSEs (two As, three Bs).
I started my AS last September, doing four to start with then dropping to three after about a month. I haven't been 100% fit and healthy since the epilepsy was diagnosed. Things got worse in October last year, I was tired all the time and wasn't attending lessons.
Fast forward several months to Feb this year. I finally saw a neurologist said I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
From my GCSE results I was predicted BBB at A level but got 2Cs, 1E and 2Us at AS. Part of the problem was not being able to keep up with the work because I was hardly in lessons. Even when I was I could only concentrate for a few minutes before I'd start thinking of something else. I also found it difficult to revise. The maximum I could do was two hours a day.
Anyway, I'll give you a run down of my current symptoms (they change every so often). Tiredness is the main one, I can't get through the day without at least two hours sleep in the afternoon. I don't sleep properly, sometimes I'm awake until 5am. The most I get during the night is five/six hours. Quite often when I wake up in the afternoon I can't move my arms or legs, they just go numb. I get pain in my joints and hands which mean I can't write or type. Migraines have increased significantly in the last six months. I've still got the problem of a wandering and confused mind during lessons. I have no appetite which I guess contributes to the tiredness.
My predicted grades are now BDE which is going to affect my UCAS application. My 6th form were lenient last year but they aren't so much now.
So now my mum is trying her best to stop me from going to uni. She doesn't think I can cope living away from home, I won't be able to get up in a morning, I won't be able to keep up with the work, I can't have a part time job blah blah blah. My teacher rang a few weeks ago and she got him onside saying the above and he sort of agreed that I shouldn't go in September.
Revision isn't going well at the moment, I've got eight exams in January (four AS resits, four A2), none of which I think I'm going to pass. Some of my teachers are really helpful and spend time going over things with me. There is one who likes to humiliate me at the end of every lesson by asking me questions that he knows I won't be able to answer.
Anyway, now I've stopped rambling I guess the point of my post is, is/has anybody on here been in this situation? What help could I get from a university? And er... any other advice you could give. My brain has gone to mush.
Sorry for the long post.