The Student Room Group

Relief Pharmacist and Locum Pharmacist


Can anybody help me with some information about relief pharmacist and locum pharmacist? What they should do? What are their resposabilities? What is the average salary for a beginner?
Reply 1
Not sure about a salary - can probably find out at work tomorrow. A locum pharmacist basically moves around from pharmacy to pharmacy covering for pharmacists who are off work (ill / on holiday / etc). They do most of the jobs that a normal pharmacist will do (dispensing, checking, MURs, supervising sales, etc) but arent responsible for the general management of the shop.
Reply 2
And the relief pharmacist? Do you have any idea? I'm about to have an interview with Lloyds and I am really confused because I don't really know if that is the best choice.
Reply 3
They;re different names for the same role i think!
Reply 4
They;re different names for the same role i think!

That's not true...

A relief pharmacist is someone hired by a company to cover for other pharmacies on sick leave / maternity leave...As a relief pharmacist you won't be able to chose where you work and you will have to travel a lot - you should bear this in mind...

A locum is self-employed... They aren't employed by companies... This is why it can be hard getting work... You will have to write to pharmacy managers to get work when you can get it or you can join an agency... There is a lot of work available but normally this will mean you will only work late and on the weekends... the standard going rate for a locum is approx £18 a hour...

hope that helps...
Reply 5
That's not true...

A relief pharmacist is someone hired by a company to cover for other pharmacies on sick leave / maternity leave...As a relief pharmacist you won't be able to chose where you work and you will have to travel a lot - you should bear this in mind...

A locum is self-employed... They aren't employed by companies... This is why it can be hard getting work... You will have to write to pharmacy managers to get work when you can get it or you can join an agency... There is a lot of work available but normally this will mean you will only work late and on the weekends... the standard going rate for a locum is approx £18 a hour...

hope that helps...

Ah ok - at work we call them all locums!!
Reply 6
Thank you. Now I have a image about these two jobs. Anyway as a locum or relief pharmacist it can be interesting because you won't get bored in the same place everyday. But I think that not everything is milk and there must be some disadvantages. Can you give me some?
Reply 7
Hi could you tell me a relief pharmacist will have contract by the company or you are self employed like locum?
Reply 8
Hi , I have an interview on Monday with Boots as a relief pharmacist but I don’t know what’s the difference between relief pharmacist and locum. Also if anyone know what type of questions they will as for the interview please let me know because I’m super nervous. I need to prepare my self anyone have any ideas about the questions they will ask? Please thanks

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