The Student Room Group
Reply 1
i suppose it depends on the uni.. my college has a music room & a steinway (i think? it's something impressive anyway, apparently.. i have no idea :tongue: ) so most places might somewhere, although then it's a Q of access..
Reply 2
Goto Clare College, Cambridge and you can have one in your room.
Reply 3
Goto Clare College, Cambridge and you can have one in your room.

is that only people reading music though? all our organ scholars/music people have their own room ballot for the houses & rooms with pianos everywhere.
Reply 4
Depends on which uni you're going to? My hall of residence at Bristol has pianos for residents to practise on...
Nottingham has about 8 practice rooms with uprights in them and a steinway (but you have to be grade 8 to tinkle on that).
Reply 6
is that only people reading music though? all our organ scholars/music people have their own room ballot for the houses & rooms with pianos everywhere.

Don't think so. Which college are you? I didn't even considering answering yes to "Do you require a piano in your room?" I'm sure Helenia or Alaric could answer. I got the impression though that if you were of a decent standard and wanted to play you could probably get a room with a piano in. Or alternatively "bring your own." rotf.
I am going to really miss my piano when I go to uni and a keyboard is just not the same. Does anyone know if any unis have like music rooms with a piano in which you can book

You could ask. Ring up or correspond with the various unis you may be going to and ask if they do. Even if it's not the case, I'm sure there would be a music hall nearby (near the uni) where there would be one. I used to play piano myself, altho I'm the opposite to you in instrument tastes, I actually prefer keyboard! You can do heaps of innovative things to make a tune sound different, plus I'm into composing rather than playing theory based tunes.

Goodluck, though, I hope things go your way. If anything, you could always suggest that a uni invest in a piano for their students, as it would 'enhance the culture' of their university - if all else fails, at least suggest that!

Luv Danni x
Reply 8
Reply 9
I am going to really miss my piano when I go to uni and a keyboard is just not the same. Does anyone know if any unis have like music rooms with a piano in which you can book

i know what you mean!

does anyone know if manchester uni has places i can go?
Reply 10
I am going to really miss my piano when I go to uni and a keyboard is just not the same. Does anyone know if any unis have like music rooms with a piano in which you can book

It might depend on whether your Uni has a decent music department or not. Most have music rooms and access to pianos and the like, but they might not be of the best standard.