The first time I got an offer (

) from Trinity, it was a thin, A4, white envelope. I couldn't open it alone, so called my best friend Gracie, who happens to live opposite, and she came over. I opened it, was so gobsmacked - there'd been 28 people at interviews and they have 2 places - that I looked depressed. Strange bit was, I actually read the first paragraph, not noticing the offer in big bold letters below, without knowing whether I'd got in. She hugged me, thinking I hadn't got in, and I just stood there for a few seconds, before I told her. She then hit me for teasing her. Rang my mum and dad who were naturally *quite* happy.
The second time I got an offer, this time from Univ, it was the same style, thin letter. I think I opened this while Ed (big brother) was there. Rang my mum, who fell of her chair, told most of the office, before making comments about lightning. I think my history teacher summed it up best with "you lucky git, you really didn't deserve that, but well done anyway". She's right, as my gorgeous Louise always tells me, I'm a lucky git.
Was far more fun getting exam results. In Finland, in glorious sun, get a voicemail from my mum saying "Will, it's Oxford" and then hanging up. The people around Tampere must have thought I was quite weird, this silly man shouting in some foreign language in their main square. Then went to get drunk with Finnish friends. Twice. Was a good holiday