Here are some of my notes which I had on the laptop. I'll type them all up properly after my exams. I hope they help!
Description: Description of the limbo stick is important as it reflects the feelings of the slaves. Overall, there isn’t that much in depth description, and where there is description, it’s symbolic of the slave trade.
Language: Repetition of the “chorus” provides the bass rhythm of the poem, and sounds much like a tribal chant, typical of African culture. Repetition of “limbo, limbo, like me” sounds as though the slave is asking the reader to put himself into his shoes. Rhyme is also abundant such as “ready” and “steady” which emphasizes the culture of the slaves, showing that it is a percussive poem. Onomatopoeia of “drum, stick, knock” could reflect the cries of the people, as they are being whipped and chained.
Imagery: Imagery of the slaves is shown in this poem. “Long dark night” presents imagery of darkness, perhaps hinting that this journey is everlasting for the slaves and they will never escape. “hot slow step” presents imagery of a heaven, because they are going up a “step” so are rising, but as the step is “hot” it could suggest that racism is still present. The “burning ground” is symbolic of the life the slaves lead. The “burning” implies that they will forver be scarred from this experience.
Structure: The structure of the poem is quite random, suggesting that everyone is vulnerable and you never know who will be taken into slavery next. The short lines, repetition of the “chorus” throughout are all important in the structure of the poem.
Nothing’s Changed
Description: Lots of description in this poem of: The area of “district six”, the contrasting restaurants, and description of his feelings towards the people and the area.
Language: Onomatopoeia in stanza 1 helps the reader to re create the atmosphere in their mind, for example “crunch” and “cans”. Repetition of “and” build up tension, showing the poets anger. Alliteration makes specific images stand out, this emphasising the difference between black and white in Africa. Use of “we” shows that the Black people are in fact a community, and will forever be together, united. “The single rose” symbolises the white people; lonely, sad yet having a high status. This contrasts with the “amiable weeds” which represent the black people. Contrast in use of language. Very elegant language used to describe the white people’s restaurant-“up, market haute cuisine”, whereas the “bunny chows” and “plastic table top” makes the black people sound rather cheap and tacky. The “glass” represents the divide between black and white, and the material chosen shows that it can be easily smashed, yet the white people want to keep the divide.
Imagery: Imagery of the land is shown through onomatopoeia and monosyllabic words in the first stanza. Imagery of the restaurants, and of course, imagery of his anger is shown in the last stanza that has been building up ever since the beginning.
Structure: Made up of 6 regular stanzas, which could reflect the repetition of the divide, showing that it will never change. Lines 25 and 26 are structurally separate from the rest of the poem for a reason, showing that the whites will always be separate from the blacks.