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AQA Computer Science NEA Example Projects

Hello, could anyone share Y13 Computer Science projects from last year as an example for what I should/should not do.
I am asking because my teacher doesnt have any examples due to the fact that this NEA is brand new and was first examined last year I think.
It would be appreciated if you shared pre 2016 example projects, too!
Thank you!
ok project

A* file:///C:/Users/Ryan/Google%20Drive/School%20Work/CS/Computer%20Science%20A-Level%20Coursewok/New%20Coursework%20Exemplars/Comp%204%20EXEMPLAR.pdf
Original post by triton62674
ok project

A* file:///C:/Users/Ryan/Google%20Drive/School%20Work/CS/Computer%20Science%20A-Level%20Coursewok/New%20Coursework%20Exemplars/Comp%204%20EXEMPLAR.pdf

would love to view the examples but 1 is a dead link and the other is a windows file location for your computer lol
Thought that was the sharing link but I should've checked,

here's one if you want to compare to your own, it was an A* project:
Original post by triton62674
Thought that was the sharing link but I should've checked,

here's one if you want to compare to your own, it was an A* project:

Do you know if this is for the current AQA A level compsci spec or is it an older spec?
thank you
Reply 6
Original post by whatadon
Do you know if this is for the current AQA A level compsci spec or is it an older spec?

AQA spec hasn't changed since 2017
Original post by triton62674
ok project
A* file:///C:/Users/Ryan/Google%20Drive/School%20Work/CS/Computer%20Science%20A-Level%20Coursewok/New%20Coursework%20Exemplars/Comp%204%20EXEMPLAR.pdf

what grade did you get on this?
Reply 8
Original post by michael2001
would love to view the examples but 1 is a dead link and the other is a windows file location for your computer lol

The first one isn't dead you must have copied it wrong and the second is just a location in your hard drive
Reply 9
Original post by Nanyo
Hello, could anyone share Y13 Computer Science projects from last year as an example for what I should/should not do.
I am asking because my teacher doesnt have any examples due to the fact that this NEA is brand new and was first examined last year I think.
It would be appreciated if you shared pre 2016 example projects, too!
Thank you!

i made fortnite
Original post by V343680
i made fortnite

no u didn't mate

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