The Student Room Group

Interview at Bournemouth university

I am from Korea as international student.

I have applied to Computer visualisation and animation course at Bournemouth university.

I have heard that a interview at Bournemouth is very hard to get in

I am not sure what they ask for and what kind of portfolio.

I am also worried about the interview because my english is not good. :confused:

please give me any informations about interview.

Thank you :wink:

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poor guy

cant even speak english!
Reply 2
I can speak english but not so good
Can you tell me about the interview?
I' m applying for animation too! I have heard if we get an interview we have to do a maths test, a spacial awareness test and do some life drawing...much more than other unis...hope we get interviews at least though
Reply 4
Hey I'm going to apply for the MA. Do you guys need to submit a portfolio for the BA as well -I have to-? To Sanghokim: I'm foreign as well, don't worry for the interview. They are aware English is not our mother-tongue and, btw, I think this also means that we really want to do the course, as the language 'barrier' can make things tougher! Maybe a suggestion I can give you is to prepare a short presentation so, when you will be there, at least you will have more self-confidence.
Is there anyone else here applying for the MA?
Reply 5
Thank you very much. that's very helpful information!
I haven't got welcome letter yet. I don't know when...

What kind of portfolio should I make? any style?
Reply 6
I'm including life and figure drawings, a few 3d models, a storyboard and some anims but this is for the MA and I am positive that for the BA anims and 3d are not required -unless you have them so it's maybe a plus-.
Hope this helps.
Reply 7
Thank you it is really helps!
When do you have a interview?
Reply 8
I still don't know, hopefully next month? I truly hope we are both getting in, I'm sure this will be a great time! Please post again to update. I will.
Best of everything!
Reply 9
Yes, I hope we are!

I am just worried about the interview, becaue this is my first interview in my life :smile:

have you applied any other universities?

I have applied to :

Bournemouth University, University of Hertfordshire, University of Wales(Newport), Teesside university and Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication.

I have a interview at ravensbourne on this thursday, but it is Foundation course for animation.
Reply 10
I applied for Teesside as well! Also for London, but that is a slightly different thing.... well, I guess we just need to wait and see what happens!
If I can give you an advice: wait to know how the other applications go before accepting an offer for the foundation course.
And one last thing: it doesn't matter how many interviews you've done. At least for me... it's always like the first time and I get nervous....!
Reply 11
I didn't expect the interview at this week, so I have to make a portfolio within 2 days.

your advices are always helps me! Thank you. :smile:

If you have done a interview, tell me how was it please :biggrin:
Reply 12
Usually interviews are always the same: they ask you to tell them something about yourself, why you are applying, your strong and weak points. This is for a typical job interview, but I guess these rules apply to any kind of application.
Maybe they can also ask you how you see yourself in 5 years, and your plans for the future.
Hope this helps!
Reply 13
oh that is what I need ,,,
thank you for advice!
I have the interview tomorrow.. I am nervous now:frown:
Reply 14
I can't tell you how not to be nervous, so i'll just hope they subside man!

Good luck with your interview :smile:
Reply 15
I haven't even got an invite for an interview yet :frown: When did you guys apply may I ask? :smile: My application eventually got sent off early December!

I know I should be patient but just seems like everyone else is getting these interviews and I'm just in line for an outright rejection...sob
Reply 16
Just call them!
Reply 17
I haven't got an interview yet in bournemouth either.

I had a interview at Ravensbourne College today. It was successful but it is foundation course for animation.

should I send a E-mail to bournemouth uni?
Reply 18
I haven't got an interview yet in bournemouth either.

I had a interview at Ravensbourne College today. It was successful but it is foundation course for animation.

should I send a E-mail to bournemouth uni?

Wow, really?! Ravensbourne said yes on the spot? That's nice well done :smile:
Reply 19
My every friends said that they havne't heard about Ravensbourne.
But students' works are good even if there are small place.