(leave anon please, friends on here)
Basically i was getting very friendly (flirting like mad) with a girl in my friends group at a party a few weeks ago, neither of us had a drop to drink though and nothing happened although ther were rumours amongst other friends that something did.
Anyway at a party on saturday (both drunk) we ended up kissing privately, then after a while just on the sofa where everyone could see, kissing and drunkenly chatting with our heads together. Later on in the night in private I went to base 2 with her (me to her..furthest i've gone) although it was approaching the time she'd said she had to go so i walked her to the bus stop (friend was with us) and she left.
Anyway i told one of my closest friends what happened, needless to say it spread like wildfire. Anyway i went shopping with her on sunday afternoon (with lots of friends) and it was slightly awkward when i first said hello, but as the day went on we got to light chatter, making fun of the show going on in the town square, and talking about the more innocent antics of the party, not once did either of mention what happened between us and we were never really alone to talk. I said bye to everyone as we got off the bus and that was that.
Basically, i'm not sure where to go from here. she is absolutely gorgeous, i'm not too confident about my appearance atm for reasons i wont go into. she hasnt texted me etc (although she is one of the only ones in this friend group that i never got around to getting the number of), do you think she is interested? thats not really the only question i want answers to, i just can't think of what to do from here, she seems very popular and is insanely pretty and to be honest i see myself in a differnt league from her.
meh thats enough from me someone else please say someting