The Student Room Group

Sick of couples

Right, little rant here.
There's loads of my friends at the moment who are in strong relationships, including my best friend. Currently, there's about 4 of my friends (only two of them i know well) who are single, like myself.
These couples (theres about four couples) are making the rest of us single people feel really depressed.
I know, its part of being in a relationship, and theyre only showing their true feelings towards their partners but do they really have to be 'intimate' ALL OF THE TIME when around us. Its really making us feel like crap :frown:
It feels as though we have lost our friends who we have known for years. They just discard us, all the time, we never see much of them anymore. Last week, my best friends boyfriend (who we hate anyway - but thats another story) wasnt in college and i got to spend the whole day with my friend - i havent spoken to her that much since theyve been going out over 6 months ago.
These couples spend all of their free time together too - so its not as if they only see each other at college.
And before any of you say it's just jealousy - its not - i dont want a serious relationship before uni.

Mixed with winter blues, im not having a good time at the moment.
Is anybody else feeling the same? Feel free to post your rants :smile:

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Yeah, I'm starting to find that annoying now as well. It kind of rubs it in a bit.
Reply 2
Gawd I know how you're feeling! There are so many people round me who seem to be in relationships, including some flat mates. The whole "boyfriend coming to stay" thing is INCREDIBLY depressing. :frown:
Then there's the fact that the majority of my mates who are single seem to have potential boyfriends in sight or at least some guy attention, however I'm sadly ignored.
Grr! This is what happens when you get me started ranting. :frown:
I like reading all the relationship trouble posts on here, it makes me feel glad I don't have to deal with those type of problems.
Reply 4
Genuine curiosity: if you're not jealous, why does it make you feel "depressed" and "like crap" when they're lovey dovey?

Have you tried talking to any of them about it? You should probably voice some sort of opinion, else they'll come running to you when they have problems and it'll be really annoying ... :wink:
ah, and when i do spend time alone with them they talk about how amazing their boyfriends are *yawn*

or even worse, i'm the only single one of our "gang", and when we all spend time together they compare and talk about their relationships- i feel as if they're rubbing it in sometimes...... but what can you do!

also makes me feel ugly and self-concious as i don't have a boyfriend- it didn't actually bother me untill they all started doing this- and i never get compliments or anything- even when we're out in town boys chat them up... and i have to just sit there...

ok i'm starting to change the subjec here........ and i'll leave before i make myself sound more bitter :P
Reply 6
They are your friends, as long as their boyfriends/girlfriends aren't complete a**** and hurting them then you should be happy for them. Would you rather see them miserable?

No to be honest i do sympathise with you i know how annoying it can be. But whenever it happens to me i just try and think like this. Be glad for them, they are obviously happy and im sure they aren't doing it to you on purpose.:smile:
times change and people change. If you don't like it tell them or try and hangout with them when they are on their own. Maybe make some new friends or get a bf yourself.
I know the feeling. Almost all my close friends at home are in long-term practically married relationships. It can be bloody miserable at social gatherings.
ah, and when i do spend time alone with them they talk about how amazing their boyfriends are *yawn*

or even worse, i'm the only single one of our "gang", and when we all spend time together they compare and talk about their relationships- i feel as if they're rubbing it in sometimes...... but what can you do!

also makes me feel ugly and self-concious as i don't have a boyfriend- it didn't actually bother me untill they all started doing this- and i never get compliments or anything- even when we're out in town boys chat them up... and i have to just sit there...

ok i'm starting to change the subjec here........ and i'll leave before i make myself sound more bitter :P

I've never understood this - surely there can be other things to talk about? I say this because my ex was often coming back from seeing friends with stories of the amazing things their boyfriends had done for them, which obviously made me feel rather guilty and inadequate. I don't really do the whole 'talking about my relationship' thing unless it's something serious.
Reply 10
and i never get compliments or anything- even when we're out in town boys chat them up... and i have to just sit there...

I'm afraid this is just sod's law - as soon as you get a boyfriend, men will be lining up to chat you up. Don't take it too personally :smile:
I have the same situation?
common dialogs:
- hi! tomorrow is Saturday, lets go to the cinema|theatre etc
- thanks, but I've already seen this film with ........
- so, lets just have a walk.
- sorry, I'm going to spend these weekends with ............

And the situation is becoming worse and worse cause more and more of my friends are getting involved in relationships.
I really happy for them but.......................
I hate being alone and I feel even more lonely when my friends do not have an opportunity to spend time with me. but I never feel insulted...................
It's part of growing up, get used to it. You'll notice that many people do end up in a relationship, so there's no need to worry.
I have the same situation?
common dialogs:
- hi! tomorrow is Saturday, lets go to the cinema|theatre etc
- thanks, but I've already seen this film with ........
- so, lets just have a walk.
- sorry, I'm going to spend these weekends with ............

ahh i've lost count how many times that's happened! "sorry me and ***** have already seen that film" :mad:
Reply 14
I'm in a very similar situation. Quite depressing really. I've loved being single so far, but my opinion tends to change a lot.
Your time will come though - be patient. :smile: Easier said than done, I know.
It's part of growing up, get used to it. You'll notice that many people do end up in a relationship, so there's no need to worry.

I know, but seeing as its my last year with these friends (starting uni in september) i would like to make the most of it, spending quality time with them before we all go our seperate ways.
Reply 16
Genuine curiosity: if you're not jealous, why does it make you feel "depressed" and "like crap" when they're lovey dovey?
It just makes you feel uncomfortable. "Where are you meant to look?" etc

It can be depressing just to essentially half-lose your friends. It kinda shows how much you mean to them when they find a boy and suddenly don't want to know you.

My problem is that my housemate's basically got a live-in bf now. I swear he's at my house more than me. It really makes me mad that I feel uncomfortable in my own home, alas, that's a thread for another time.
Yeah, as sad as it is you should still be happy for your friends. Nevertheless, I understand your viewpoint well.
Reply 18
I "miss" being in a relationship, time used to fly by so quickly when both of ya were together. But now i'm watching paint dry all the time!
Reply 19
The Strangest Quark
I know the feeling. Almost all my close friends at home are in long-term practically married relationships. It can be bloody miserable at social gatherings.

Heh. Theres 3 of us left at home.

Its the fact everyone comes in pairs now. People invite you to the pub or whatever and everyones in pairs. Inseperable. I should stop moaning. But I'm clearly not the only one.