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What AS levels are you studying?

For AS, I'd do about 1-1 and a half hours a night.
For A2, it's 1-2 hours a night.
Reply 2
Completely depends on how you work. Some people prefer to start right at the beginning of the course and do a bit each night; others can work under time pressure and work a couple of hours each day in the run up to exams. I did 4 AS Levels (excluding Critical Thinking/General Studies), and it wasn't too bad. I found Chemistry the hardest (which I dropped), but I think if I had just bothered to sit down and learn some stuff, I might have done OK in it.

I would advise you to go over things you don't understand early on, to make sure that you do understand it when you actually come to revising.
Reply 3
Our teachers say for A2 we should be doing the same amount of time at home as we have lesson wise at school, so 6 periods of 50 mins a week for each of the 3 subjects. Depends whether you prefer your weekends free or not...
Tbh if you want to do well at AS you need to study at least 23 hours a day. The other hour for eating, washing. Sleep in an unaffordable luxury.
\none unt il a copule of weeks before exams or if you have coursework
I do 5 AS Levels and I usually find myself studying 3-4 hours a night *cries*
Then again, I waste a LOT of time too, and I find my subjects pretty hard....
Reply 7
I do 5 AS Levels and I usually find myself studying 3-4 hours a night *cries*
Then again, I waste a LOT of time too, and I find my subjects pretty hard....

Yeh i was like that last year too. A lot of it was spent staring into space/making pointless notes etc that didnt get me very far!
Reply 8
None, just pay attention in class so that you learn it first time round.If needed skim over notes, then just revise a few weeks before the exams. At least thats what I found doing 5 AS/4 A2s. Do any work you're set but anything above that seems pointless to me, even then a lot of set work is a waste of time. I mean we were set making notes from the text book as homework for economics. Utterly pointless when that's not how I learn.
Reply 9
none - you get enough time in college even if you spend most free periods doing sport or something (all you need to do i start revising a month before the exam- very lightly and then 2 weeks before do like an 1 1/2 hour a day per exam).
The Solitary Reaper
\none unt il a copule of weeks before exams or if you have coursework

Correct answer.
I use my friends timetable, although she does take 5 subjects:

Revise from 6 till 8 in the evening, meaning you can relax when you get home, and after you've done your bit

Then, 5 till 6/7 in the morning

4 hours a day. Tbh though, I usually just do 2 and put in an hour at school, making 3 a day (I only take 4 subjects)

But, be flexible, if you need more time, do it, if you need less on a certain topic, do less.
Reply 12
you do history and that requires alot of revision. i think you should revise about an hour a day, spending 20 minutes on what you went through in class for each subject. if you need to do anything additional then thats up to you, but dont tire yourself....Xx
Then, 5 till 6/7 in the morning.

Not sure that is a good idea... :s-smilie:
Reply 14
I got told by all my AS Level teachers to do 1 hour per subject. However, we only had 4 hours of maths per week and had to do 6 hours. (we were meant to have 5 hours of class time, but couldn't)
Reply 15
I spend like 10-20mins a day on average (unevenly distributed - an hour when I get some homework then nothing else for the week) a day. Then before the exams it may go up to a few hours a day. Really depends how easy you find your subjects and what grades you want to achieve etc.
Not sure that is a good idea... :s-smilie:

Personally, it suits me, and I am aiming for not just high grades, but high UMS points. But I can undertstand how other people may not suit this.

The hours you put it should reflect your aims, when you do them is irrelevant.
I suppose, but it's been proved that night studying is not as effective as day studying.

However, if i works for you then that's fine, and good luck with any exams in the near future :smile: - I could never do it!
Reply 18
i do advanced highers but i dont really do any revision just homework until a month or so before exams then i work like crazy!this probarly isnt the best thing to do though is you get stressed easy
Well a good idea is every weekend just for an hour go over all the work you have done in the past week :smile: and then when your coming up to the exams i would say about 5 hours of revision should be done for each subject..exam question practice and all that sort of thing if you think you've finished revising