Those of you who go to sixth form in a school rather than college, do you have to stay at school when you don't have a lesson or can you go home? At my school we're allowed to go out at lunchtime as long as we sign out, but for the rest of the day we have to be on site. They say we should spend our free periods doing work so we have more free time outside of school, which is fair enough, but today was the first day of lessons. My school has a 3-period day; first lesson was English with no homework and second was history with one tiny piece of homework that will take me about 15 minutes to do. So I faced sitting at school for 1 hour 45 minutes (which is how long our lessons are) with absolutely nothing to do. Once I was out of school, it was so tempting to just go home instead of going back to school that I did. No one would have known except that my friend told me we had a damn fire drill, and of course they take the register. So I'm gonna have to lie and say I went to the dentist. But the point here is, why? Why can't we just go home? Personally I know that if I did have some work to do, I'd get it done much better at home without all my mates around! And we don't have to be at school at all, so surely if some people didn't work and wasted their free time, they'd only have themselves to blame when they failed their exams! They say they're trying to make us more independent learners, but they're still restricting us and telling us when we have to work.
P.S. I had my first English lesson today (literature) and we had a test!!! The other teacher is giving us a test in our first lesson with her next week too! Mean or what?