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Reply 1
I think he's amusing. He doesn't need traditional 'jokes' because he words his little stories so well.
Reply 2
No, he's a complete moron. The thing with the BNP kid was just embarrassing, and he tends to look like an uncouth ape. He'll never be Jonathon Ross, so should quit trying.
Reply 3
He's an observer, he talks about him and his life, on a similar level as peter kay and billy connelly. I'd say he was even funnier than peter kay as it appears to be less rehearsed, Kay tells the same jokes/scenarious/situations where as Russell's intelligence, speed and delivery brings him through without relying on rehearsed stuff - as exampled in his radio/podcasts and various TV appearances, compared to Peter Kay on Parkinson where he brought on party hats and cake - wow.
Reply 4
Yeah. I think Russell Brand's better at improvisation than a lot of comedians around at the moment.
Reply 5
I saw him doing stand up at a charity gig and yes, he was funny!
Reply 6
No, he's a complete moron. The thing with the BNP kid was just embarrassing, and he tends to look like an uncouth ape. He'll never be Jonathon Ross, so should quit trying.

How can you compare? Ross isn't a comedian. He is nowhere near as quick witted. It's obvious humour.
Reply 7
Regardless of whether he's funny or not, i find the breadth of his diction astounding, and on that grounds alone worthwile viewing. His sheer energy and bravado, coupled with his quirky and off-beat humour definately make him a tour de force in the comedy world.
Reply 8
I like Jonathan Ross as a presenter but his jokes are always predictable and he overdoes the 'old man' thing. He was even doing it last night on The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year.
Can be funny sometimes, other times it doesn't work. As for, Jonathan Ross he's full of himself but he's good at what he does.
no - hes not funny hes irrtating him and andy carr need to be shot
no - hes not funny hes irrtating him and andy carr need to be shot

Who the %%%%%%%% is Andy Carr?

I find him amusing, so yes he is funny.
Reply 12
He's funny at times. He was hilarious on Have I Got News For You.
I think Russell Brand is hilarious.
NOT funny.
No. His 'humour' seems to be saying irrelevant things in an irritating voice; I have always assumed that the people who find this entertaining lack any sort of absurdity in their every day life, somehow, and thus get giggles from someone saying "donkey" to a question about clothing (in an exceptionally irritating voice) etc.

The quiz last night only reminded me of this.
Yeah he's not bad. But I prefer Noel Fielding. That guy is a LEGEND.
Reply 17
When I see him on television on shows like this it annoys me a little bit as, although he isn't performing poorly, he is infinitely more entertaining and amiable on his radio show with Matt Morgan. Any situation where attention toward him isn't a given, and he has to 'battle' for it, makes him go a bit OTT imo. His stand up is brilliant though; I've seen him live once and his sheer charisma was worth paying for, let alone the fact that i was laughing for the whole duration.
Reply 18
Yeah he's not bad. But I prefer Noel Fielding. That guy is a LEGEND.

I don't find Noel Fielding that funny at all :frown: He was on big fat quiz of the year yesterday and he just seems to try to hard, like it doesn't come naturally to him.
Reply 19
I think Jimmy Carr (who walked by me on his own!), Jonathan Ross and Graham Norton are pretty awesome.