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Reply 1
try kalms :smile:
Reply 2
A nice cup of tea does the trick for me :smile:
Reply 3
I was on Chlordiazepoxide for a while. That'll be given to you by the doctor though.

I find Bach's Rescue Remedy useful too. You should be able to get hold of that in Boots.


I got told "breathing exercises" woohoo
Reply 6

I got told "breathing exercises" woohoo

you answered that bang on midnight:P what sort of breathing exercises?
Reply 7
I got told that as well thinking about it. I think the one I was told was 7 11 or something like that. Breathe in for 7 and out for 11. If you can't manage it then reduce the numbers.

I also did a relaxation technique when I had acupuncture. I basically sat with the lights off in a room and put on some music. You have to then imagine that you're holding a butterfly in between your thumb and forefinger. When you get fed up you move your thumb onto the next finger. Apparently because you're so focused on the movement of your hands you forget all the anxieties. Its also supposed to slow your breathing. It worked with me quite well and previously nothing else had.
Reply 8
Breathing exercises do work, you just need to practice them and give it a minute. A good one is to place your hand on your stomach as you calmly breathe deeply and evenly. It makes sure you are not just shallow-breathing. Think about calm things as you do it.

Alternatively, i like using balms and sprays. Doing some counselling often helps too.
I second the recommendation for Kalms.
st. johns wart!
Bach Rescue Remedy, from most health food shops:smile: It actually works
Bach Rescue Remedy, from most health food shops:smile: It actually works

no it doesn't!
I used breathing exercises for my anxiety, along with meditation and yoga.
Bach Rescue Remedy, from most health food shops:smile: It actually works

It doesnt.
It is a worthless placebo.
Studies from the National Institutes of Health and from University of Exeter have proved that

H. Walach, C. Rilling, U. Engelke (July 2001).
"Efficacy of Bach-flower remedies in test anxiety: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial with partial crossover".
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 15 (4): 359-366. 11474820.

Pintov S, Hochman M, Livne A, Heyman E, Lahat E (2005).
"Bach flower remedies used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children — a prospective double blind controlled study".
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 9 (6): 395-398. 16257245.
you answered that bang on midnight:P what sort of breathing exercises?

well breathing and relaxtion exercises. I was told how you do that thing where you slowly relax every muscle in your body, from your feet to your head. I could never be bothered to try that during and anxious period, but I guess it might work. Sometimes a few deep breaths are handy too.
when i try breathing exercises to calm me down it just makes me aware of my breathing and panic more, and think; OH MY GOD I CANT BREATHE *hyperventilates*

i've found kalms and bach rescue remedy rubbish too actually.
Kalms work for me. Also, breathing exercises - I do in for 7, hold for 7, out for 7. That way, you have to focus so hard on your counting that it doesn't let your thoughts wander. They're best for when you're actually panicking about something though, if it's general and constant anxiety it's less effective.
If you can get to sleep, i would just suggest trying to sleep for as much as possible until you can get to the doctors, if it's that bad. I find it a brilliant way to pass time when I'm really struggling:s-smilie:
Or, more simple..if you're at home, do you have any comforting books - the type you've read a hundred times over and still love? If so, just curl up in bed with a hot drink and your book, and allow yourself to relax into the book.
I've had a lot of practise at this, and these are the ones which work best for me.

Bach Rescue Remedy helps slightly, in my opinion.
St. John's Wort is good. I took it for a couple of months. But don't forget if you're on the pill it makes it inactive. (I don't know if you are, just thought I'd put that in in case anyone takes it who is).

Hope you feel better :smile: