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Reply 1
I don't think that you should feel guilty. It was the end of the year and it was a perfect time to celebrate and all that.

I don't drink alcohol but if I've been clubbing I generally come home feeling exhausted but amazing and I can't go to sleep for hours.

That might have something to do with the caffeine as well.
like c!!p lol. Regret drinking and then the next day do the same lol. But on new years there is no reason to be guilty as the whole WORLD was doing the same thing!
I just feel depressed and feel like I've let my self down. I feel like that now. Although I didn't do anything bad last night. I just drank quite a bit. I know alcohol is a depressant. I probably feel like I've let my self down because I managed to not go out for 2 weeks and I felt proud of my self so now I'm feeling guilty. :mad:

What is your attitude toward alcohol and how do you feel after a night out? Obviousdly hungover?

Why would you feel guilty? It was the end of the year. You should feel LUCKY! I had the world's greatest party lined up and a costume and everything and ended up having to stay home because I was ill. There is no reason to feel bad about going out - especially not on NYE. :rolleyes:
Reply 4
I feel erm hungover to be honest. Then I say I shouldn't do this so much, but do it anyway.
Reply 5
I understand what you mean. I sometimes wake up day after thinking what a waste of money and time that night was! Then again on other nights I wake up thinking it was totally worth it.
I always feel depressed the night after drinking too much. I don't feel guilty for drinking, I just feel depressed and I don't really know why.
I just feel depressed and feel like I've let my self down. I feel like that now. Although I didn't do anything bad last night. I just drank quite a bit. I know alcohol is a depressant. I probably feel like I've let my self down because I managed to not go out for 2 weeks and I felt proud of my self so now I'm feeling guilty. :mad:

What is your attitude toward alcohol and how do you feel after a night out? Obviousdly hungover?

What?! Why on Earth would you feel guilty for indulging in some sweet lash? 'Managing' to not go out for two weeks is not something to be proud of - are you aiming to be a hermit or something?

I've never found alcohol to be a depressant. The only bad thing about it is the hangover the next morning (which you can take steps to aviod). If you had fun last night then you should be happy. There really is nothing wrong with alcohol if used responsibly. Imo, responsible use includes getting totally lashed off your face if you know you don't have anything to do the next day.
Reply 8
Depends whose bed I wake up in.
Reply 9
I know exactly what you mean. But it only really happens when I didn't have a blast and I'm more like wow I spent all that money for nothing.. :P

Luckily, I don't get hangovers :wink:
Reply 10
Happy and pleased with myself for having gone out and done the studenty thing of going out (it involves an effort, as I am very lazy).

I haven't always been drinking and if I have, I don't get hangovers, I just slowly and gradually sober up during the night.

So just good all round. And I usually have a few hundred photos to upload to facebook :-) (The drunker I am the more photos I take).
Reply 11
I dont drink, I feel tired usually and sometimes really livened up- I cant sleep neither straight away and lie in the next day, but I dont feel that disappointed if twas a rubbish night- depends on the company x x
I'm usually just hungover and amused by my drunken behaviour. Unless I've done something really stupid, of course. But after a while even the most stupid things make me laugh. So in general, I feel pretty happy. :smile:
Reply 13
Embarrassed haha depending on how it went and its worse if you forget parts of the night! If I wasnt too drunk then all is well.
Reply 14
embarassed too especially when you call someone at 4am declaring your love for them.......oh and hungover.:s-smilie:
Reply 15
I don't understand depressed drunks. I get hyper and end up feeling disappointed it's over so soon by the end, but quite satisfied :biggrin:
this morning i woke up with a stonking headache and my mouth felt like a skunk had crawled into my mouth sprayed a few time then curled up and died.

but i dont feel depressed after a night out
Reply 17
I usually have a good time and am a happy drunk... until something bad happens. Not necessarily really bad.

For example I'll see some guy pulling a really nice girl, and I'll go all depressed thinking "why the %%%%%%%% is everyone else hooking up and I'm going home alone AGAIN?"

I don't look for one night stands or anything, but it'd be nice to go out and have a girl show some interest. So generally I come home thinking I'm a loser because I seem to be the only guy in the world who can go out on an eight hour pub crawl, go into some of the most popular bars/clubs in the city, and still not meet a single girl who's interested in me even one iota.

Well I get interest, but it's usually just slags who want a one night stand... never decent girls =[
Refreshed. Less stressed and sociable, if a bit lethargic.
(I don't get hangovers)
Some mothers do 'ave 'em. I always chuckle to myself when I wake up and can't remember 90% of what happened the previous night. Then I feel slightly embarrassed when I hear some of the stories about what I did, said, where I went, how much I drank, etc. and I just p*ss myself when I hear about what my mates did! Reactions vary with the person, I guess. I just know I'm the type to find it hilarious finding out about what went on during the night.