The Student Room Group

Clear Water Erosion

I'm revising for a Changing Landforms and their Management resit in Jan and am working through my case studies.

One of my CS's is on the sediment budget of the R. Nile (and is compared with the Huang He (aka Yellow River)) and it mentions "Clear water erosion" taking place...

Does anyone have a clue what this is? I remember it being in the textbook but it doesnt explain what it is. And its not in my geog dictionary. And i cant find anything on the internet about it. So did my textbook make it up? Or does someone know what it is?

Clear water erosion: Much erosion in rivers is caused by the sediment load within the water. However, the Nile has a lack of sediment replenishment, so it is ONLY water that is eroding the channel.

Hope this helps!
Reply 2
Actually lately I'm working on such a Article (it's about between dam-sediment load- water charge- brigde piers scour) but I could'n get any knowledge as a geographical perspective on the Internet. But I know that what about it.