The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Any of you guys got your timetables yet?

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri i go in from 9-4:10. but by the time i get home, it will be 5pm. :rolleyes: and Keyskills is such a waste of time.

How many levels are there? ive been put in level 3 for communication. I hope theres just 3 levels :mad:


Level 3 is the next step up from GCSE ...some brainy people do level 4 but it's not really worth it.
My timetable is fab.

I'm in school 9-12.30 on Monday and Friday. 9-10.30 on Wednesday. 11-3 on Tuesday and 9-3 on Thursday :smile:
Reply 3
Key skills is such a waste of my time. Otherwise, i'd be out of college at 12ish on Wed and Monday, and have the extra spare time on fridays too.

but its 'compulsory'. Do u still have to do communications and IT in the second yr?

I did go into college today to get my timetable but I won't get it tomorrow, due to the fact I did not do a portfolio in key skills,So my timetable will be changed but the portfolio will only take a couple of weeks.However im gutted that I have to go into college earlier than everybody else.Lucky thing is everyone from my school is in the same position.
Reply 5
Key skills is such a waste of my time. Otherwise, i'd be out of college at 12ish on Wed and Monday, and have the extra spare time on fridays too.

but its 'compulsory'. Do u still have to do communications and IT in the second yr?


How many ASes are you doing? If it's anything like our college they'll not say anything if you just fail to turn up for key skills.

My timetables turned out great! Got Wednesday and Thursday afternoon off and all of Friday off! Also got a 1 lesson of extra sleep on Thursday morning.
Reply 6
Thank god I am doing ICT and won't have to do Key Skills!

I am hoping I get a lot of days where I don't have to be up at 7:15am!
Reply 7
Mon: 9-5
Tue: 9-5
Wed: 11-4
Thur: 9-4
Friday: 9-1

In for 32 hours overall.
Mon: 9-5
Tue: 9-5
Wed: 9-3
Thu: 11-5
Fri: 10-1

Not bad overall. I like Fridays best :biggrin: .
Reply 9
My new year 13 timetable:

monday: 9-1
tuesday: 12-4
wednesday: 1.30-4
thursday: 12-4
friday: 9-1
Mon 9-12.30
Tue 9-1.35
Wed 9-4
Thurs 10.20-4
Fri 11.25-4 (most Fridays).
Reply 11
You all get it lucky, I get home at 6pm if lucky. And its a 8.00am-5.30pm day for me, with only 2 hours of frees for the whole of the week (47.5hrs)
my timetable is weird, im doing two alevels in one yr in college. so im there all day monday, AS in the morning A2 in the afternoon. then in on friday all day. i am thinking of doing another gcse too to do something in the middle of the week
Reply 13
Yr12 Here :smile:

I have all of Tuesday afternoon (11:45 >) free and the same on Friday (yay!). I also have two free periods on thursday- one of which is in the morning so at least one day I dont have to get up for a 7am bus :|
Reply 14
we do 2 week timetable:-

mon1 =9-3
tue 1 =9-4
wed1 =9-11
thu 1 =9-11....1-3
fri 1 =9-10....1-3

mon2 =9-12
tue 2 =day off
wed2 =9-11....2-4
thu 2 =10-12..2-3
fri 2 =10-2

not a bad timetable really...and thats 4 AS - Maths, Physics, Biology, ICT
Reply 15
For 5 subjects? :confused:

Seems like way too much. We get 5 hours a week per subject.

I get 6-7 hours per sub per week. Plus other activities as well.
Reply 16
Had my timetable changed today...

Mon: 9-5
Tue: 11-5
Wed: 9-4
Thur: 9-4
Fri: 9-4

Thats a whopping 35 hours now! :mad: