The Student Room Group

Mickey Mouse subjects

A dysphemism (opposite of euphemism, except you are dissing) for courses "where the content is perhaps not as rigorous as one would expect and where the degree itself may not have huge relevance in the labour market" and "Simply stacking up numbers on Mickey Mouse courses is not acceptable" (Wikipedia).

Question: what are the real MM subjects?
I sweated over calculus, quadratic equations & statistics and have virtually never used them since graduating, (computers do it all) whereas people doing "media studies", celebrityism (I remember a degree in Madonna), would actually be of more use in understanding society and indeed career prospects.
I forsee a time when you can buy "MS Accountant" that does everything the pricey person does.

Supplementary questions:
Do you do new or unusual A levels?

What would be a worthy subjects not currently offered?
I suggest a course in the social & psychological effects of poker.

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Reply 1
Reply 2
are you ok?
Reply 3
Loads of people I knew took Sociology or Psychology AS levels when they started college, because they were subjects not studied before and seemed new, cool and trendy.
Could you please explain OP.... :confused:
You do realize that the maths you did prepared you for the mindset and got you to think logically right?
Reply 6
Could you please explain OP.... :confused:
just read the Wikipedia link.
Or did you opt out of English @ school?
Reply 7
That link gives us the Wiki definition of a Mickey Mouse subject...what are you trying to ask about it? :s-smilie:
Reply 8
That link gives us the Wiki definition of a Mickey Mouse subject...what are you trying to ask about it? :s-smilie:

I'm not trying to ask, I am asking.
Soo message #1 in this thread.

If you need help with the English, what subjects did you do @ school?
Lol. Nice post. I personally am not doing a MM subject, nor did i do unusual subjects at alvls, but i know plenty of people that have, and yea I sometimes look at them and say, god, what they are learning seems to have a lot more application that what im doing atm. Ie, im studying genomes of bacteria... they are studying how a certain dress style can portray a certain mood.
Your course on poker sounds cool. I read something about a pet psychology course in the states (those guys make millions) which i thought was kinda cool.
Reply 10
I'm so confused...!?
OK... now I know what a mickey mouse subject is.

edit: understand your post now... took a while, for all those still stuck he's basically asking what do you think mickey mouse subjects are and do you do any

@OP: I think everything on the oxbridge blacklist is mickey mouse, and no i dont do any
Reply 12
I'm not trying to ask, I am asking.
Soo message #1 in this thread.

If you need help with the English, what subjects did you do @ school?

One was English; which explains why I can't understand your badly-worded first post.
Reply 13
Lol. Nice post. . . . .
Your course on poker sounds cool. I read something about a pet psychology course in the states (those guys make millions) which i thought was kinda cool.
Thanks for getting that off yer chest!
How come you can understand the concept but others can't?

This is turning into an oxymoron.
What a pointless thread.
Why all the confusion! I thought this was a common term?!?

You can get a degree in television: 40 UCAS points required.
But I bet it's still a bit tricky.
Why all the confusion! I thought this was a common term?!?

It is a common term, but its just the way the post was worded, and the OP seemed to be answering his own question
Isn't a Mickey Mouse course something one takes at Disney Land in Orlando, Florida?

Wait, I've found it Steamboat Willie.. The key to all these rodent debates..

This is the Mickey Mouse course:

"Cynicism is the poison of the hopeful ignorants." Walter Elias Disney
beach managment!!!
People seem to have wandered into this thread without actually seeing that it's in the Discussion forum... hence, he wasnt answering his own question, he was merely stating some info and asking people to discuss. And yes, I also thought it was a common term, and it also seems more and more common to take one, especially here and in the US