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How to revise German for A Level?

I'm resitting Unit 1 AQA German in a couple of weeks after a disasterous result in June. I have been revising for about a month now but im finding it difficult to properly revise. In Maths or History (my other A2 subjects) I have no problems revising and get really decent results, but German I can't find a revision strategy that actually works properly for me.

How does everyone else revise languages (specifically German)? and does it work well?
Reply 1
errrmm well im revsing at the moment for german as resits and also ill be revising for the a level in june im not entirely sure what to do for everything but you best bet would be to get your vocab boock/booklets and read them all the time, for the grammar make tense cards then then keep them in your pocket, every time u have a free minuite look over them to remind yourself, if your like me and forget a small number of things every time you open your mouth post it them all over your house for example "capital letters you idiot!" in my case hope this helps good luck!
Reply 2
I'm resitting Unit 1 AQA German in a couple of weeks after a disasterous result in June. I have been revising for about a month now but im finding it difficult to properly revise. In Maths or History (my other A2 subjects) I have no problems revising and get really decent results, but German I can't find a revision strategy that actually works properly for me.

How does everyone else revise languages (specifically German)? and does it work well?

I did this paper last year. I've never revised for my languages, because I never knew how! It's more about the buildup of knowledge, rather than last-minute revision. What have you been doing to revise? Are you having more trouble with the reading part or the listening part? What exactly are you having problems with - catching anything on the tape, writing down the wrong parts, not knowing the vocabulary, not knowing grammar, not understanding the question, difficulty differentiating between NA and F, etc? If you give us specific problems then we may be able to give you better advice.

In general, vocab and grammar is the key, unfortunately. Learn the majority of the vocab on Zeitgeist 1, because those are the topics that are going to come up and some of the vocab will undoubtedly crop up in the exam. For grammar, make sure you are comfortable with the basic tenses (present, past perfect, imperfect, future, conditional) and especially the passive voice because it's everywhere.
Reply 3
In general, vocab and grammar is the key
i think what excalibur said is very true try your best to get these right and the rest should be easy
OK, I do French, but hopefully some of what I'm about to say will be useful, especially as I do AQA too. I do the following:

Get a sheet of paper and write all the tenses/grammar I don't know or find difficult on JUST THE 1 sheet so I'll be minimising my revision and keeping myself motivated (i.e. there isn't much to learn!)

Keep a vocab book with me all the time, jotting down new phrases/vocab continuously

Watch the news to help with the listening parts (our teacher tells us to watch a piece on the internet and either answer a series of questions e.g.what, where, when, how, who, why or if it's short and not too fast, write a transcript)

Read as many articles in the target language as possible, adding to the vocab book and perhaps devising questions for yourself so you can practice commenting on events in the past/in the third person etc

Get hold of as many past papers as possible- you will recognise trends and often there are stock phrases that catch people out so sometimes they repeat them- you'll be one step ahead!

Hope that was helpful, it works for me anyway! xxx
Reply 5
In response to Excaliburs post, ive been looking over my notes and then rewritting them with additional material ive found from other books and internet articles. My main problem is getting vocab to stick in my mind. My grammar isnt too shabby its just I cant get vocab memorised, I tried a few strategies and none work particularly well.
Reply 6
I'm resitting this module. I've done no revision :smile:

What did you get in June? I got a low B :frown:
Reply 7
I did terribly, i got a D despite getting a couple of mid B's in the writing exam and the speaking exam hence the reason im resitting, i really need a C overall in German to meet my conditional offer for the uni i want.
Reply 8
Well I need a B but I want to get an A :frown:. But the key is to know vocab and to be in an extremely logical mindset. For the listening, just write down exactly what you hear. And never leave anything blank, you're not going to know everything - I know I certainly won't and a guess is better than nothing!
Quizlet yall
Original post by bigtastyy
Quizlet yall

bumping a 12 year old thread?
ye why not