The Student Room Group

No-one wants to live with me :(

Hey all,

Just need to get this off my chest really, I spoke to one of my flatmates a while back (uni halls 1st year) about what we're gonna do for 2nd year housing and his response was kinda "we'll see later, I dunno yet", so I sort of hinted that we should all live together and left the topic alone for a bit. Anyway I spoke to one of my other flatmates recently and it appears that they've already decided who they are all living with and I'm not on the list. I'm upset now because I thought we all got on and now it appears I'm the only one in my flat to not have my "group" sorted out and as we've got to apply soon I'm worried, but more importantly upset that I'm being left out. I really don't know what to do now, seems to be the story of my life being left out of things.

Any suggestions?

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Ask them why that little clerical error happened?
Reply 2
Yeh but how do I approach asking them this without sounding pathetic and coming across as if they owe me something (and perhaps making them feel they made the right decision)?
Reply 3
Just go and live with random people. Lots are people are looking for another person.
Reply 4
dont kiss their ass or even bother approaching them about...
its obvious they made the decision behind your back, I, personally would not want to be in that living situation after the fact of said decision.

roll on ya own and dont worry about it G...


Reply 5
Why not simply live on campus again?
Reply 6
1. Why would you want to live with them now?
2. Meet some new people- live with someone new!
3. Have you no other friends you could live with?
Reply 7
Well pretty much all the people I get on with seem to be going into this house, and I don't really know anyone else well enough to decide to live with them. I need to speak to person a about it all really cause he said he hadn't decided not so long ago so either he hasn't and somethings have been lost in communication or they've gone behind my back. I want to find out exactly which one first though. I don't really have the option to live in halls next year cause halls are for 1st years only really, and I don't really want to live on my own thanks, that would be pretty depressing living on your own as a student imo anyway.
What an %%%%%%%%%%%%%% thing to do, seriously if they would make that decision behind your back and leave you out like that then you really don't want to be living with them. Just try and find some people from your course or something that wouldn't mind taking you, there's bound to be plenty.
Yeh but how do I approach asking them this without sounding pathetic and coming across as if they owe me something (and perhaps making them feel they made the right decision)?

It is something to confront them about. Showing emotion will actually make them either feel bad or at least make them worried they look bad. Also tell everyone you and they know!
Reply 10
It is something to confront them about. Showing emotion will actually make them either feel bad or at least make them worried they look bad. Also tell everyone you and they know!

thats what a bitch would do (no disrespect to women).....
dont air your business for other people to know..
thats something a pscyho girlfriend or ex would do.....:eek:
I'd just drop the subject with them to be honest. As harsh as this sounds, they obviously didn't want to live with you. It's not something you just forget, and if they wanted to live with you they'd have worked something out with you after realising you'd been forgotten apart.

I know that sounds mean, but forget about them. Find some new people! Is there an advert board at your uni? If not, join facebook and the network for your uni, there's always plenty of adverts looking for people on there. My friend is living with people that were complete strangers and all from the year above but they're all fantastic.
Same happened with me. We all decided that we probably would, then someone made a list and left it on the kitchen table. Everyone in the flat bar me was at the top. Then came friends outside the flat. Then me about 2nd from bottom with a question mark. They now have the cheek to ask me if I've found anyone to live with yet. All this is just because I study more than them and so don't go out quite as much. Harsh.
Yeah look for somebody else to live with. Look for ads on campus, or maybe on facebook?

I wouldn't want to live with such horrible people who have left me out like that.

However, make sure you know that they have definitely sorted it out etc, before looking for somewhere else. You need to be sure that it's not just a misunderstanding etc.
Reply 14
OH wow DOJI you said it drop'd it like it how hottttt!! lol...seriously!! from when they being badmine leaving you out and ting you should of got the message by now like a previous poster said move in with strangers you might as well make new friends since the ones you call friends are taking the piss init...see girl like me wouldn't even think about going and asking them why they did that ...thats long obviously your not wanted take it and bounce along...*sings* wayne wonder - bounce along bounce along etc etc
I agree with randomgirl, go for it and look for someone else. I bet you'll find better friends than the ones you have at the moment it seems.
Reply 16
Why you being a bitch boy for? Dont live with people who dont want to live with you, thats pathetic. Live on your own like big men or find some guys who want to share with ya.

Why are you being such a malicious little twerp, that's what I want to know?

thats what a bitch would do (no disrespect to women).....
dont air your business for other people to know..
thats something a pscyho girlfriend or ex would do.....

You think that people won't take offense to a clearly derogatory phrase simply because you put 'no offense' after it? Grow up. He was asking an opinion, not 'airing business', and even if he did, perhaps you should keep your silly immature views out of it.

Dear, I hope that you end up living with people who don't reflect these two people in either way. You still have quite a while to sort out housing probably, depending on where you're based... it's just that people like to get it sorted early. Believe me, I've seen it, people come to regret an early decision! I expect you will find that you make good friends this term with different people... everyone has settled in now and you'll meet lots of cool people... at least that was how it worked for me and pretty much everyone else I knew at uni. :smile:

Take care and good luck!
thats what a bitch would do (no disrespect to women).....
dont air your business for other people to know..
thats something a pscyho girlfriend or ex would do.....:eek:

What the hell are you on about? It's people like you that can make living in halls upsetting!
Reply 18
Hey all,

Just need to get this off my chest really, I spoke to one of my flatmates a while back (uni halls 1st year) about what we're gonna do for 2nd year housing and his response was kinda "we'll see later, I dunno yet", so I sort of hinted that we should all live together and left the topic alone for a bit. Anyway I spoke to one of my other flatmates recently and it appears that they've already decided who they are all living with and I'm not on the list. I'm upset now because I thought we all got on and now it appears I'm the only one in my flat to not have my "group" sorted out and as we've got to apply soon I'm worried, but more importantly upset that I'm being left out. I really don't know what to do now, seems to be the story of my life being left out of things.

Any suggestions?

Why so needy? Just find your own place to live and leave them to do whatever they want.
Reply 19
What the hell are you on about? It's people like you that can make living in halls upsetting!

im about telling it like it is and not putting up with drama.... :biggrin:

