Ok I've been seeing him pretty much once a week in a friend capacity but a couple of weeks ago we kissed and he said that I make him happy. Not much else has happened since as we've both been very busy but I really don't think he's ready for this. He's very up and down and at times very uncommunicative which is hard for me too. I'm worried that he's going into this for the wrong reasons (because I make a big effort to cheer him up and distract him) and because I make him feel better, rather than liking me for me. I don't think he'd be able to cope very well with the added stress of a relationship, especially if it doesn't work out. Also I don't know if I am. Don't get me wrong, I still have feelings for him and would eventually like this to turn into something more, but it can be very draining being with him as I'm always aware of whether he's ok and I sometimes have to make a big effort to be happy and cheery and to make sure he's trying to see the best in situations, even if I myself am feeling crap. Although obviously I'm there if he wants to talk about how he's feeling. I don't know if I can handle being there in a girlfriend capacity yet. I mean even his own mum has said sometimes she's glad he's at uni and she doesn't have to see him too much as he can be very infuriating in his inability to express himself (obviously she hasn't said this to him!) I have also been in a vaguely similar situation before when I was a distraction from the fact that my boyfriend's mum was very ill, and when I went away he realised that he didn't actually care for me as a girlfriend, but enjoyed spending time with me because I was fun and distracted him from what was wrong. I ended up getting very hurt. I still want to see him as much as I am doing and I am not saying I never want to move this on just not yet. How do I go about telling him this? I really don't want to hurt him.