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I may set a reminder on it every monday :ninja:
Reply 2
Oh good i'm not the only one!
Reply 3
My mother keeps up to date with it since I'm applying to universities, and she thinks it's important to take into account how well a university does on it...bizarre. I do love it when an Oxford or Cambridge college gets beaten by loads though.
Reply 4
Used to until I was on it this year and got thrashed, lol. Was a fun experience though. Quite surreal being on the set if you watch the show.
Reply 5
I hate Jeremy Paxman though, he comes across as incredibly arrogant and sneering when someone gets a question wrong, yet he pronounces words wrongly.
Reply 6
I love it! Will be watching it tonight. I think its Nottingham and an Oxford college tonight, can't remember which one, Corpus Christi I think.

I'm just constantly amazed at how much students seem to know and then I like watching the odd amazing know-it-all that you seem to get - like for instance, the 4 students from Manchester!

I'd love to go on the show. Its even, on occasion, cropped up in my dreams! I lead my time to victory right at the end when we were tied and then do a little dance.
Reply 7
My mother keeps up to date with it since I'm applying to universities, and she thinks it's important to take into account how well a university does on it...bizarre. I do love it when an Oxford or Cambridge college gets beaten by loads though.

Me too. But more Oxford, init?
Reply 8
I hate Jeremy Paxman though, he comes across as incredibly arrogant and sneering when someone gets a question wrong, yet he pronounces words wrongly.

He was a really nice guy actually. He came and had a drink with everyone afterwards and was friendly. Even when we got thrashed he was still pretty friendly, lol.
Reply 9
I hate Jeremy Paxman though, he comes across as incredibly arrogant and sneering when someone gets a question wrong, yet he pronounces words wrongly.

I enjoy his arrongance actually! I love what I call the Paxman-frown.
Reply 10
I love it but I'm rubbish at it. I can only answer the non-Physicsy science ones. How these people have so much information in their brains that isn't related to their subject is beyond me; I stuggle to remember stuff to do with my degree!
I love it but i hardly know any of the questions but im 15 :smile:
Me too. But more Oxford, init?

I thought you studied in Cambridge?
Jeremy Paxman is excellent, he doesn't just 'come across as incredibly arrogant' is is incredibly arrogant :biggrin: but in a good way, and he is genuinely impressed by good teams.
Reply 14
My friends mum was on it, ergo, I'm cooler than most. :smile: But no, I never know what time it is on.
Reply 15
Me too. But more Oxford, init?

Eh, I'm not wild about either of them, I'm just bitter I never got there! Has a former polytech ever won?
Reply 16
Jeremy Paxman is excellent, he doesn't just 'come across as incredibly arrogant' is is incredibly arrogant :biggrin: but in a good way, and he is genuinely impressed by good teams.

Only super-amazing people can be arrogant in a good way.
Reply 17
Some of the people there are so dispiritingly knowledgeable. Remember Stefano Mariani from the 2005 Oxford Corpus Christi team? He gave me a lasting inferiority complex.
Reply 18
I thought you studied in Cambridge?

Doesn't mean I like all the colleges :p:
Reply 19
He was a really nice guy actually. He came and had a drink with everyone afterwards and was friendly. Even when we got thrashed he was still pretty friendly, lol.

Seriously? I can't imagine that at all...maybe I just have an instinctive hatred of TV quiz show presenters. I'm not so fussed on John Humphrys either.