Just thought it'd be kinda interesting to see what other Psychology students think about this debate.
Is Freud obsolete in 21st century Psychology? I mean sure, the psychodynamic model might of been great during the 1900's, but today we have been able to develop the field of Psychology so much further as a science, with all major contemporary discoveries revolving around neuroscience and technologies such as MRI, fMRI and PET scanners.
I personally do not understand why Freud is even mentioned in the teaching/application of Psychology today; As H. J. Eysenck once said "Freud set psychiatry back one hundred years." In my opinion, using the works of Freud would be like med students using the Four Humors theory created by Hippocrates. So why do we still study him in such depth? Can his works even be considered relevent to today's neuroscience-dominated field of Psychology? How can theories with such little scientific backing be accepted by a 21st Century audience?
It seems as a result of Freud's subjective and unscientific works, Psychology as a field has become infamous for being a pseudo-science, when in reality, psychodynamics are only a tiny fraction of the field itself. Whenever Freudian theories are mentioned, I suddenly feel as though I may as well be studying horoscopic astrology.
What do you think?