Hi sorry to put a downer on you guys but I got a 2.2 in biomedical sciences at the university of east london last year, I’ve been on a gap year racking up cash to do another course as I believe there is no potential for a good job with what I have currently, I fluffed up my A levels big time getting two Es in bio and chemistry overall. In September 08 applied to St georges for the grad medicine course and got a conditional offer, however I also applied to the Kingston school of pharmacy for the 4 year Mpharm course for which I got accepted. The problem now is that I can do the pharmacy course but it will cost me over £10,000 a year to study as I already have an undergraduate degree and the government is not providing any support for any second degree courses apart from graduate medicine, dentistry and teaching. I have until 20th of October to decide whether or not to leave the pharmacy course without having to pay. What options do I have and what would be the best thing for me to do, would kindly appreciate any help,